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A Thought
I saw this quoted on another website and thought it was pretty profound:

Christ sets His followers no tasks. He appoints no hours. He allots no sphere. He Himself simply went about and did good. He did not stop life to do some special thing which should be called religious. His life was His religion. Each day as it came brought round in the ordinary course its natural ministry. Each village along the highway had someone waiting to be helped. His pulpit was the hillside, His congregation a woman at a well. The poor, wherever He met them, were His clients; the sick, as often as He found them, His opportunity. His work was everywhere; His workshop was the world.

Thanks for sharing this Bushbaby!

For us to be able to do this means we need to spend more time with Him so that we can become more like Him.... to study His love letter to us... His Word..... to talk to Him.... to listen to Him.... and above all.... to obey Him!

Personally I am going through a season the study the Bible more.... and to listen more.

It reminds me of a quote that I heard a long time ago, and do not remember who said it:

If man does not comprehend the nature of God, he does not comprehend himself
Good Morning

Thanks for sharing Bushbaby.....

When there is relationship you begin to see life and the world through His eyes. Once that happens you begin to walk in His footsteps. You begin to see people through His eyes. You begin to see sin through HIS eyes. You begin to love others as He did.

Religion is not what Jesus came to teach. He came to teach something so simple and yet so profound that once our eyes and hearts are open to Him, we can begin to walk as he did and the world truly becomes a very different place, a temporary place and a place that cries out for His love to reach it .......through ordinary people who choose to follow in His foosteps in obedience to His word.
Thank you for sharing this Bushbaby, it is appreciated.

I know I go on about the early morning walk of my dogs, but each and every morning I start off by thanking the Lord for being there for us, for having taken care of us during the night whilst we slept and whilst others did what they had to do and I always let him know that his pressence is appreciated and acknowledged if not by all, at least by those who take time out just to stop and think. Many people are in such a hurry through life that they just take everything that happens for granted.

Once again, thank you.
Always enjoy life - and remember there is always someone worse off than yourself - treat others as you yourself would want to be treated.

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