12-06-2007, 11:44 AM
One really good thing came out of our trip to France and that was me deciding to get off my ample behind and change my life in regards to what I do for a living. I'm not one to deal with 'my cheese had burnt' or 'there's a bone in my chicken'. I end up banging my head against the desk - not good for my head or the desk.:dazed:
I remember coming home when I was 12 and telling my parents that I want to be an archaeologist. Infact I was insistant - I had found a love of history. My dear father (in his wisdom I suppose) shot this dream down, and continued to do so everytime I brought it up. "How will you live?" "You won't make any money doing that". "You'll get dirty, no-one wants to know a dirty girl". Being the child I was, I believed him and ended up settling for something I was not happy doing:noway: - but it kept him happy. I had also learned to keep my dream quiet. Every now and again it would 'pop' up and remind me. I thought of UNISA but my pay pack was not enough. Thought of Open University when I cam here but they did not do the courses. Again I had to work to live as I could not go full time (or part time) to University. Again the dream was put on hold.
France was the last straw. I realised that my unhappiness did not stem from a country where it rained more that Wales.
It was the fact that I had to come back to a job I find a chore and to people who I find difficult. So onto the web I went. Very few places offer archaeology through distance learning. Our local uni offers part time courses but it means having to take a few days off durin the week. I can imagine this palce when I say "off to uni ta-ra". Not gonna happen. Instead I found Exeter University has a course - 3 modules that run concurrent - distance learning - and the price is right. (Come on down!!!) The only down side is they are not accrediated. This means I study, do the work and have nothing to show for it. Except my self esteem.
My question is - is it worth putting my money down, studying and have nothing to show? Or do I do this course - love it and want more? The more I think about it the more I want to do it. Its not practical - unless I can dig in my garden - but the theory. Is it the course for me?
I remember coming home when I was 12 and telling my parents that I want to be an archaeologist. Infact I was insistant - I had found a love of history. My dear father (in his wisdom I suppose) shot this dream down, and continued to do so everytime I brought it up. "How will you live?" "You won't make any money doing that". "You'll get dirty, no-one wants to know a dirty girl". Being the child I was, I believed him and ended up settling for something I was not happy doing:noway: - but it kept him happy. I had also learned to keep my dream quiet. Every now and again it would 'pop' up and remind me. I thought of UNISA but my pay pack was not enough. Thought of Open University when I cam here but they did not do the courses. Again I had to work to live as I could not go full time (or part time) to University. Again the dream was put on hold.
France was the last straw. I realised that my unhappiness did not stem from a country where it rained more that Wales.

My question is - is it worth putting my money down, studying and have nothing to show? Or do I do this course - love it and want more? The more I think about it the more I want to do it. Its not practical - unless I can dig in my garden - but the theory. Is it the course for me?