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A good laugh by some angry bok supporter.
The mix of afrikaans, english and the most brillent spelling is a laugh alone. Without even enjoyng his views :thumbs:

Cheers Hagar

Lansdowne RoadNaand se..

As toets rugby net drie minute lank was, sal ek se dit was 'n ***
wonderlike wedstryd Saterdag aand. Ons het alles reg gedoen, geen foete

gemaak [ other than a fluffed skepskop deur Pretorius met 'n overlapout
wide] en die eerste punte aangeteken. Ons sal die toets gewen 3-0. Nou
ja, die res van die game was as inspiring as 'n Groot Krokodil victory

Fortunately league darts begin 7.30, so ek het die res gemis.

Take 1 step forward if you have a job next week.....not so fast Andy
Robinson en Jake White. Miskien moes julle twee, "paper, rock,scissors"
speel om te sien wie die kukkest coach is. As jy verloer Jake, you'll probably

blame the rules. "Rock is always heavier, and heavy is Danie Rossouw".

Lansdowne Road: Jake White, not only were you not even in the same
road; jy was nie eers in dieselfde fokken neighbourhood nie.

When are you going to learn that the rush defence is about as effective
as Ashley Giles at the WACA. Then to come out and say it IS working and
blame the provincial coaches and the players for the execution, wat die fok
is in jou kop.

At least Rudolph Straeuli weet hy was dof - kom terug Rudolph
alles is vergewe. Jake jy steeds dink jy's 'n fokken genius. 6 defeats
out of last 8 games is nie so slim nie.

The Wereld Beker is oorsee volgende jaar - ons het nie een wedstryd
hierdie jaar oorsee gewen. And you are the only coach obssessed by
size - you join the dots Jake, your game plan was from another era - Same

Jersey, same Pant might as well have the same game plan as the 1906 Boks.

Chilliboy, dit kry koud op die bench ne? Maak warm, John Smit is op
dieselfde skip as Jake.

Jy weet die manne *** gespeel het wanneer Danie Rossouw jou best
voorspeler is. Ek het gehoer dat an even bigger flank is going to start Saterdag,
Hilton Lobberts [ Ek het gedink sy naam was Hilton Roberts, en dit was net

Hugh Bladen na 'n paar gins wat hom Hilton Lobberts genoem.]

Great tactic - As jy kan nie twintig pies in een session eet, gaan
staan daar in the agterlyn, en comb Wynaand se hare.

We certainly missed Kabamba Floors or Luke Watson Saterdag.

Playing Brian Havanna at outside senter - might as well have played him
outside the stadium. Hoe kies jy al hierdie positions, Jake? Is dit in the
order they come off die bliksem bus of wat?

Die midfield se verdediging was absoluut afwesig en jou kon 'n fokken
Guiness truck, met 'n sleepwa, deur die groot gapens in middleveld dryf.

Daardie Fortuin cookie daar agter, hoeveel kiere moet die bal bounce
voer jou dit gaan vat; dit gaan nie byt nie - dis nie 'n fokken police dog
nie. Ek het altyd gese, jy is 'n average Currie Cup speler; you were more
exposed than a polariod picture..and you were shaking more than one too.

Combined age of our locks was north of 70 years old - fokken goeie tyd
om hulle to bloed voer die World Cup Jake. Bakkies en Victor are kukking
in their pant for their places - another great plan B. I wasn't too sure
whether Johan Akermann even turned up or the game. Ek het nie eers 'n
yellow card gesien, so ek het gedink hy nie gespeel het nie.

En die ander ou lang draad, Albert van den fokken Drakens Berg, jou tyd
is op, gaan terug Berg toe. You are as old as the hills - so you'll fit in
nicely and have lots of friends your own age.

Lawrence Se(mother)phaka, ek hoop jy die game geniet as 'n spectator -
het jy betaal vir jou kaartjie? Even if Paul Roos was still alive, I would
have picked him ahead of you. In fact, I wouldn't have made too many changes
to the starting lineup in 1906. They might have been old, but at least
they would have had passion.

I believe Jake White het vir Rassie gebel om hom te help. Bliksem, talk
about a hospital pass. En wat gaan Rassie doen daar bo op Twickenham se
Grandstand dak, in die koud, met al sy ligte. Only thing he will do is divert al die
fokken planes vanaf Heathrow.

100 years of SA rugby. It is sad that it finally died on its 100th birthday - R.I.P; nag ou grote.
Hagar the Lovable (and to some the Horrible) Wink

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