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A mother's love
Friends, who recently moved from Germany to South Africa sent me this email today. I just love the way she talks about her sons....

"Overall, we are doing so well as a family and with living down here. The
boys are relaxed and happy, and enjoying some outside activities that they
haven't been able to take part in before. All boys are having swimming
lessons, and love those - they are all water-babies! Haz and Sammy go to
gymnastics on a Tuesday at the local primary school ,and oh - they are so
sweet to watch! Haz is a total natural at it, and Sammy is the youngest
in the class, and pours all his energy into doing the activities. I just
LOVE watching them - it is so much fun! And then there is the craft group
for Mike and Haz on Friday mornings - they come home with some fab stuff.

Some warm family highlights to share with you. Sammy was desperate to get
a skateboard for Christmas, so we got him one. It made the cutest
picture. For the first few days, he carried it everywhere, and it was
almost as big as him! He practised his "moves" on it, and talked about
doing "ramps" when he was older. I heard him saying to himself, "easy
tiger...easy...." He is a beautiful guy, so full of warmth, fun and life!

Harry sings and cartwheels his way through each day. He is absolutely
delicious - loves to dance, sing (all sorts, including some type of opera
- well, it sounds like it!) draw, climb, worship and act.

Mikey continues to be the compassionate, deep feeler, who is also going
through some rougher times of getting frustrated with himself and the rest
of us. He has "big hair" at the moment - I don't think he will have a
problem with going bald later in life! A fabulous young man!

For all our boys, it is our passion that we would totally discover and
embrace how God has made each of them, and be able to guide them on the
way that will see them flourish and prosper in all that God has for each
of them..."

So lovely to see a mother appreciating her children :thumbs:
What a lovely e-mail this mother sent you!

One's children are so precious, it is wonderful to read how this mother loves her sons and enjoys all their experiences!

Thanks for sharing it with us Pronkertjie. :babyroll:
I guess it is a bit her style of writing too.... but I always love her reports about what is going on in their lives. This email in particular is so lovely.... I just had to share it... and of course.... they are living in SA now Wink


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