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hey can u guys tell me who is a good company to use in the UK? reasonable prices and no caps etc, some friends of mine have it but it seems so ****, 3 gig max downloads per month and seriously slow speeds, so whats good and whats not? thanx Smile
Quote:Originally posted by party boy
......some friends of mine have it but it seems so ****, 3 gig max downloads per month and seriously slow speeds, so whats good and whats not? thanx Smile

More PB.

That is in SA. It is very :curse: - yes ! Ask me I have been battling all morning. The UK do not have caps (as far as I know) - as there are competition - something we do not have Sad

Buy the SA Computer magazine there is a whole outcry over it here in SA !

Also see this : and - some interesting reading Smile

PS: Going to stap the Helderberg now :eek:
sentech mywireless Sad oh dear lol.

have fun on the mountain, was up there the other day, ctcled up through silverboomkloof and then into the nature reserve, fun.

lovely weather for a braai today Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by party boy
sentech mywireless Sad oh dear lol.

have fun on the mountain, was up there the other day, ctcled up through silverboomkloof and then into the nature reserve, fun.

lovely weather for a braai today Big Grin

I see Sentech Wireless advertises a lot but not in "our area" - all in CT and surrounds up to the airport Sad

Had a lekke rwalk and a great braai - our weather is fantastic ... but the dams is lowwww :eek:
PB it all boils down to wehre you live and who the local providers are. If you live in a cble telly area you can get up to 3Meg connections for home use. If you dont and you ahve to make use of ADSL you are generally stuck with 1meg - unless you live in London where one or two ISP's have super souped up ADSL.

The cable areas are served by NTL and Telewest. Some people have had poor service with NTL but I have no reason to complain. My broadband is being upped to 1.5meg at no extra cost and as it is it flies. Telewest offers up to 3Mb connections and to be honest I ahve rarely ever heard complaints about them.

For ASDL stick to the known ISP's over here like Nildram, BT Yahoo, Freeserve etc and you cant really go wrong.

Right and on to caps........... they are coming in in the UK. On cable we arent strictly capped but they can cap you if they notice you are downloading more than around 30Gig a month but in practice this has never happened. However ADSL is starting to be capped now with a number of ISP's implementing it or talking about it. However they are more realistic than Telkom who dont realise that I can easily download 3gig in a day if I download new software images.


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