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Dieting tips
I found this very good article on the Net which I thought you'd find helpful.

I liked it, especially the bit about drinking ice water ... you can lose up to 100cal per day with it Big Grin

Duchette the StickLady, here we come :rofl:
Interesting - what about the theory of the water being too cold and affecting the digestive system, if the digestive system is not working properly we are more likely to store fat.
Oh no! :wall: I just knew it was too good to be true Sad
I used to drink cold water many years ago but then I was told that it makes you more hungry... :wall: :dazed: :help:
I am not a big fan of water but ice cold water I am learning to like if not love.

But yes, it makes me so hungry! My tummy gurgles and grumbles for food!! lol

What does fill me up are those little apple and cinnamon thingies!!

And I've found Pro-vita - which is a MILLION times better than Ry-vita that you get in UK (have I got it round the right way?) - that with some cream cheesy stuff is yummy!
In love there are two things - bodies and words.
Cali Wrote:I am not a big fan of water but ice cold water I am learning to like if not love.

But yes, it makes me so hungry! My tummy gurgles and grumbles for food!! lol

What does fill me up are those little apple and cinnamon thingies!!

And I've found Pro-vita - which is a MILLION times better than Ry-vita that you get in UK (have I got it round the right way?) - that with some cream cheesy stuff is yummy!

I drink 2-3 litres of water per day and have been doing so for years.......have even managed to get my children to drink a lot of water...they rather drink water than have a fizzy drink
I have started a great new diet for my blood group o+ I started 2 weeks ago and I have already lost 3 Kg which is a MIRACLE for me.
I am not hungry at all and I don't feel tired.

I also know that for every blood group if you want to speed things up you have a cup of hot water in the morning as hot as possible with lemon in it, I use lemon juice it is more concentrated and that work you take it 2 weeks out of a month try it!
The water thing is excellent - though I must admit I prefer it at room temperature. I drink anything from 3 to 6 litres a day. I was advised to not exceed 6l a day as apparently the body can start retaining water at that point.

I agree too that Provita is miles ahead of Ryvita. Rice cakes are evil and should be banned!!!
BB - very true, once you body exceeds it's maximum amount you land up losing electrolytes from the body and will find yourself feeing tired and run down. I've been told not to exceed three litres a day, which is hard when you normally finish two litres on a normal day and on a hot day you want to drink more.

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