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Foods that the younger generation like to eat in restaurants?
will reply on behalf of my son....... :jester:

Cheffie Wrote:Hi all

I am Head Chef of a restaurant near London and I'm currently drawing up my seasonal menus for the next 6 months.

My questions to the youngsters (read as 5 - 13 yrs old) are as follows:

When you go out to eat with your folks what do you look for on the menu?
look directly for a kids menu

What kind of food do you expect?
Mac's.....not what my Mom likes

Are there do's and don'ts when it comes to your type of food?
to use my knife and fork

What are your favourite foods to eat out
chicken nuggets and chips

Are health foods popular?

Are there certain colours that are not recommended?
yes, anything green

What kind of restaurants do you normally eat in?
any restaurant but not a fish restaurant as fish stinks

What kind of price range do you pay?
dunno, my parents pay

Any advice or tips that you can give me would be much appreciated - please bear in mind that the requests are general and directed not only at the young South African element in the UK, but on a broader scale.

Many thanks

Hope that helped Cheffie.. Smile

Messages In This Thread
Foods that the younger generation like to eat in restaurants? - by Icecub - 14-09-2005, 10:44 AM

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