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Foods that the younger generation like to eat in restaurants?
Connor - age 7 and 7 months

When you go out to eat with your mom what do you look for on the menu? I look for spare ribs and calamari

What kind of food do you expect? spare ribs, finger foods, crispy foods

Are there do's and don'ts when it comes to your type of food? don't like food touching

What are your favourite foods to eat out? chinese and seafood

Are health foods popular? I like seaweed

Are there certain colours that are not recommended? orange

What kind of restaurants do you normally eat in? chinese

What kind of price range do you pay? (answered by Mom) n/a - will pay anything to ensure Connor tries something different and enjoys it and eats it. When we go out to eat we try something new all the time. Buffet is encredibly popular for him at the moment. He loves going up and trying something new.
In love there are two things - bodies and words.

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Foods that the younger generation like to eat in restaurants? - by Cali - 23-09-2005, 08:31 PM

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