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KwaXimba - Hidden within the canvas
lumberjack Wrote:i wonder how many people who have the privilege of living in monteseel actually consider these thoughts when looking down into the valley.

What a great photograph! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Hi Lumberjack

We are currently building our house on the cliff top where the rock climbers leave their cars for the days climb.

I ask myself the same question you do. I watch the most incredible sunsets each night, and know the coming freezing night, the orphans in the valley will have very little to keep them warm. I know that many will go hungry and so I continue to bring awareness to what is happening down there (and in many other valley's) through writing for Habitat.

My motivation is to get folk to come down, and build with us. Spend a day building for the children and witness how children in this country have to live without parents and in homes that are falling down around them.

My woork in the valley's has always had this contrast....the mansions of Kloof looking down onto the shacks of Molweni.....two worlds...and my job is to bring the two together for however brief a time.
It is truly such a beautiful country and Sue, what you are trying to achieve needs all our support!

lumberjack Wrote:i wonder how many people who have the privilege of living in monteseel actually consider these thoughts when looking down into the valley.
What a view....fantastic. Thanks for sharing
Hi Sue, I must say I admire your efforts, courage and faith; it is guys like you that make a difference.

We live on the Alverstone/Drummond side of Monteseel. We moved there about 5 years ago, and feel truly blessed to have the privilege. all I can say is that I hope the area does not end up like Hillcrest, which appears to be on the road to becoming a giant golfing estate. Those of you who are from KZN and have not been there in the last 3 years, would be shocked at the development that is going on.
Hi LumberJack

We had a look at the 20 year strategic plan for Monteseel and it has been designated as a 'Tourism' development area with low density housing. Monteseel as you will know, is not a 'through route' to anywhere and on the cliff where we are building, it is a conservation area and so no building will take place.

Hillcrest is a sad testament to developer greed and development gone mad. I dislike those huge places like La Domaine and Plantations. To see the treesin Hillcrest that are hundred's of years old being chopped down is so very sad. The roads are not coping neither are the sewerage systems.

Alverstone is also a very nice area...let's hope the council have learnt some lessons Confusedad:

You have such a way with words ok:
Sue, would you mind if I shared this piece on another website (it is a church website)?
Morning BB

Pleasure...please feel free to share KwaXimba with your church. If you would like to read any of the individual family stories (I have interviewed 17 of the initial 60 so far) I will glady email those to you also, just PM me your address.


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