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The MMR debate again

This is old, I know, but once again is a concern.

Firstly, I had my other 2 children in SA, where this is not a problem at all (or is it simply not reported?), although the schedule for MMR is different - the first one is at 9 months and the second at 15 months. Could this be a contributing factor?
I know that the culture used in SA is exactly the same as here, so I wondered what your views on MMR jabs and this scientist's report are? Particularly in light of the following quote...

The Lancet says it was never told that Dr Wakefield was carrying out another study at the time of his controversial research.

Dr Wakefield was being paid by Legal Aid to examine whether parents who claim their children were damaged by MMR had a case. Some children were involved in both studies. The Lancet says it was never told of this.

Interesting, innit?
Dudette I think the press here has blown up the Wakefield report to such a degree that most parents are just extremely confused. I also find it very ironic that people in SA were always prepared to pay for the MMR (prior to it becoming standard) as it was seen as a better option than the clinic's vaccine, very few have ever heard of a possible link to autism either. The sample size Dr Wakefield used is very small if you compare it to how many millions of children have been vaccinated and to my knowledge no other scientist has been able to replicate his results. I really think that it is highly unlikely that there is a link between autism and the mmr but it is just one of those unfortunate timing things that the symptoms of autism are most likely to appear at the same time a child has its first MMR vaccine. What I do find more interesting is the growing number of GP's that would prefer to test for immunity before administering the booster shot. There is some concern that the booster can cause a problem.
Well I have had my son to all his shot appointments, and he has never had any side effects other than what the docor said he would have....

I do remember one time being up with him almost al night though from a whooping cough vaccine, he was crying the whole time....I assumed it was that, but he did not get sick from it..

I will be taking him for his booster when he is twelve, I believe its a good thing to have the kids vaccinated. And as for the press, well we all know how journalists can blow things totally out of proportion these days... Wink
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