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My Child Sang A Song
My child sang a song today I wish you'd heard it too.
I was so excited, well, you know his words are few.
He sang very well I thought, this being his first debut.
His sweet face was all lit up, and he just looked so cute.

I had taken for granted, the ability to speak.
I thought that I'd sing lullabies with my child cheek to cheek.
I never thought I'd long to hear each syllable resound
or how I'd feel their melody touch me so profound.

I had taken for granted what was in front of me.
Having a special child taught me to see with clarity.
Now I see through eyes of hope and reap the joys thereof,
And when he looks into my eyes I'm overcome with love.

IÂ’d taken for granted: the way people interact
Until I discovered, social grace was something my child lacked
I don't want my boy to feel alone, or always feel left out
I want him to have a childhood and frolic with others about.

Now I hear better, see clearer, and socialize
More than ever before
I take very little for granted,
And life's joys mean so much more.
that is lovely...... :thumbs:

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