07-02-2007, 01:55 PM
TheDuck Wrote:sounds like paradise
Doesn't seem you get to see BBC 1 , in your neck of Skandie woods , then ?
( It's on at 09.15 UK time on weekdays , and glossyfies and glorifies the Brit artisans who , reportedly , are so in demand Down Under , that they can qualify to have their visas fast-tracked ...
in 45 minutes every morning , one gets to see an Oz beach , plus another beach and then a beach , then 3 unaffordable "dream" houses , some sights of Sydney Opera House and that bridge , then they get to go to the beach , maybe there's a few secs of barbie ...whereafter , they vote to re-locate to Oz i.e. out of 18 episodes so far , not one family decided otherwise !!!
Hehehe , further commentary deleted ! )
Last show on Friday !
In short : everyone's keen to go !
Pity that some 50% return ,to Blighty , before 5 years are up ;
the reasons given : crap wages , kids education , missing family/friends/civilisation/pubs/seasons ...and all that jazz