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Name the artist....
i foud it thismorning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but BUT!! it was labeld as europe!!!!! so sorry about that!
Quote:Originally posted by Lance
i foud it thismorning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but BUT!! it was labeld as europe!!!!! so sorry about that!

Just goes to show that record companies also make mistakes either that or Europe were so ashamed of doing this song that they deleted it from their discography :p
I do believe it is my turn Big Grin

Hush Hush Maria
jo dolen???

or somthing like that,
morning jan,,,,,,,,,,work or home tonight?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lance
[B]jo dolen???

Waiting for the answer.
Quote:Originally posted by Lance
jo dolen???

or somthing like that,
morning jan,,,,,,,,,,work or home tonight?

Close enough Smile

Joe Dolan

Work as per usual :p
Quote:Originally posted by Jangar
Close enough Smile

Joe Dolan

Work as per usual :p

you useing my line there jan????????????????i`ll sue!!!!!!!!!!!!

song is "words"
Quote:Originally posted by Lance
you useing my line there jan????????????????i`ll sue!!!!!!!!!!!!

song is "words"

Sowweeeee :jester:

Sue me, I aint worth much anyway. :p

Way too easy as it's one of my fave songs...

F.R. David did the original Big Grin

Rock Hard
Quote:Originally posted by Jangar
Sowweeeee :jester:

Sue me, I aint worth much anyway. :p

Way too easy as it's one of my fave songs...

F.R. David did the original Big Grin

Rock Hard

i`ll take your music collection,get rid of the junk like abba and there must be some good stuff in there,,,,,,,,,, as for words,i am a beegees fan,so thats the only one i know,but it is a nice song yes,

ok rock hard(black and white) kiss?
Quote:Originally posted by Lance
i`ll take your music collection,get rid of the junk like abba and there must be some good stuff in there,,,,,,,,,, as for words,i am a beegees fan,so thats the only one i know,but it is a nice song yes,

ok rock hard(black and white) kiss?

Isn't the Bee Gees song called "It's only words" ?

No the "Rock Hard" that I am thinking of was sung a petite leather clad lady Big Grin

Time for me to go home Cool

Catch you later Smile

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