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Silly Xp Question

I feel quite embarrased to ask, but my head is really not co-operating at the moment.

Where do I change the setting for "hybernation" .... well at least that is what I call it.

My problem is... I have two user accounts set up on my laptop, but when either of us is unactive for 5 minutes, we get logged out and have to go into the user account again. AND when we get logged out, the computer takes about 15-20 minutes to hybernate.

I have not looked to see where I can change it, and no luck whatsoever. I do not what the computer to log me out of my account if I quickly check on the food in the kitchen, and I definitely do not want the silly thing to switch off when I am not around....

Any suggestions?
Sowwy no :bigcry:

Which system are you running?
Quote:Originally posted by Bean of Love

Which system are you running?

Windoze 2000 Advanced Server Sad
I am wondering if it might not be your screen setting, rather than the XP....

If you have a powersave setting activated for your screen/screencard, this will get your XP to go into standby mode when the Powersave is triggered....

You can check this by rightclicking on the desktop and selecting properties, and going into the tab where you set your screensaver....

Underneath the screensaver settings there should be a little box with a button for setting the powersupply to the screen, and either making it switch off when not in use, or staying on etc...

I have XP on my pc, and when the powersave setting is on, then it will go into standby mode, in which case when I come back and move my mouse, I get the blue Welcome screen where I can see the profile icons etc. But it should not log you out, unless you have set it to do so in the login settings.... I would imagine. Wink
*Doer of healing rituals and keeper of brooms.*

*Water flows, Wind blows, Fire glows, Earth grows, Magic shows.*
Hi Amenithia,

I have chenged to Powersave setting to show "Always on" I will let you know how I get on.

It used to be on Laptop/Portable.....

Thank you very much for your advice!
Quote:Originally posted by Bean of Love
Hi Amenithia,

I have chenged to Powersave setting to show "Always on" I will let you know how I get on.

It used to be on Laptop/Portable.....

Thank you very much for your advice!

You're welcome...Wink
*Doer of healing rituals and keeper of brooms.*

*Water flows, Wind blows, Fire glows, Earth grows, Magic shows.*

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