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South Africa Bloody South Africa

I cant believe the news today
Oh, I cant close my eyes and make it go away
How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long? how long...

cause tonight...we can be as one

Broken bottles under childrens feet
Bodies strewn across the dead end street
But I wont heed the battle call
It puts my back up
Puts my back up against the wall

South Africa, bloody South Africa
South Africa, bloody South Africa

And the battles just begun
Theres many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters killed for nought

South Africa, bloody South Africa
South Africa, bloody South Africa

How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long? how long...

cause tonight...we can be as one

South Africa, bloody South Africa (tonight)
South Africa, bloody South Africa(tonight)
(come get some!)

Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your tears away
Wipe your tears away
I wipe your tears away
(South Africa, bloody South Africa)
I wipe your blood shot eyes
(South Africa, bloody South Africa)

South Africa, bloody South Africa
South Africa, bloody South Africa
(here I come!)

And its true we are immune
When fact is fiction and tv reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die

The real battle yet begun (South Africa, bloody South Africa)
To claim the victory jesus won (South Africa, bloody South Africa)

South Africa, bloody South Africa
South Africa, bloody South Africa

original song Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2


The surge in the brutality and violence in crimes - which seems to contradict the apparent fall in crime as shown by SAPS statistics - is confirmed by researchers and city Community Policing Forum (CPF) members who warn of worse to come. from IOL

Today I pray that South Africa may be healed

please add your prayers and well wishes to show you care about South Africa healing
Lord, I pray that you will break the stronghold of violence in my beloved country of South Africa.... the stronghold of hatred, selfishness and greed.

I ask for a conviction in people's hearts for what is evil....

I ask that people will choose for life and not death....

I ask for love....

Heal our country dear Lord.... pour out Your Spirit!

Confusedue: Confusedue: Confusedue: Confusedue: Confusedue:
What more can I add to what Pronks has asked.
Thanks Pronkertjie, I honestly believe that prayer is the only solution to the porblems of the world, our beloved SA included.
Dear Lord...

Once again I want to bring our beloved South Africa to you....

Lord please watch over my family and friends today.....

Lord, pour out Your healing in the country.... Confusedue:

Your comfort into hearts that lost loved ones....

Healing into lives that were traumatised....

Soften harden hearts that wants to steal and kill....

Let forgiveness flow freely and fully.... :hartlik:

Lord, thank you for the Police.... grant them wisdom and insight and
watch over them please....

Pour out your love in abundance in Jesus Name! :hartlik:

Thanks for the kind gesture everyone.

Please also thank God Almighty where you are tonight.

Father, South Africa needs you.... :hartlik:
Would you please speak confusion to plans that are made to kill and destroy...
Would you turn greed into generosity
Would you turn hatred into love
Father, would you protect our loved ones at home
Make the police force wise and alert
Expose the schemes of the enemy lord
Bring peace to our beloved country.... South Africa!

Pour out your Spirit oh Lord... bring a greater awareness of who you are...

Bring healing to our nation! :hartlik:

I pray this in Jesus Name

Lord, once again I bring South Africa to You...

I pray today for all the children.....
I ask to give them wonderful role models that will invest in their lives.
Teachers that know You and are able to walk the second mile at school with the children.....
Teachers that will bring the best out of each child....
Teachers that have a clear sense between right and wrong that can influence children to become well balance adults....
I pray that You will call more and more men and women to be teachers....
Lord, I thank you for those that are already there... encourage them and show them today that they can make a difference in each childs life!

Move mightly in our school by Your Spirit dear Lord.... raise up those teachers from all over South Africa....


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