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Songs to make one feel better after a relationship "bust up".
A dear friend of mine is so unhappy right now as a long term relationship has just ended. She is upset, miserable & moping.
When I spoke to her earlier today, she said she had been playing "certain" songs all day yesterday that reminded her of their relationship. I think she needs to play songs that make her feel better at this point in time.

If there was a "Best break up cd"............some of the songs IMO
should be.

Thorn in my side........................Eurythmics.
Go your own way......................Fleetwood Mac
Strong Enough..........................Cher.
You ought to know....................Alanis Morrisette.
This is my life.............................Billy Joel.
You're history............................Shakespears Sister.
Do you believe in life after love. Cher

These are a few I have thought of.
Anyone else want to add any more?

One feels so helpless trying to make a friend feel better & trying to help heal a broken heart.
Quote:Originally posted by curio
A dear friend of mine is so unhappy right now as a long term relationship has just ended. She is upset, miserable & moping.
When I spoke to her earlier today, she said she had been playing "certain" songs all day yesterday that reminded her of their relationship. I think she needs to play songs that make her feel better at this point in time.

If there was a "Best break up cd"............some of the songs IMO
should be.

Thorn in my side........................Eurythmics.
Go your own way......................Fleetwood Mac
Strong Enough..........................Cher.
You ought to know....................Alanis Morrisette.
This is my life.............................Billy Joel.
You're history............................Shakespears Sister.
Do you believe in life after love. Cher

These are a few I have thought of.
Anyone else want to add any more?

One feels so helpless trying to make a friend feel better & trying to help heal a broken heart.

These boots were made for walking.......... Natalie Cole!
Go Your Own Way.....................Fleetwood Mac
50 ways to leave your Lover...Paul Simon
SPAM in a can....Now available in regular, turkey, Lite and HOT
I am convinced that "So Cruel" by U2 was written for my ex....
I will survive ...... Gloria Gaynor (i think)
ought to know - Alanis Morrisette!
Interesting to see other added songs.
There should be a cd like this to "make one feel better after a broken relationship". I would buy it for my friend in an instant to try & help cheer her up.
Concrete Jungle-Bob Marley
Rise - Gabrielle

"They say that timeÂ’s a healer
And IÂ’m better without you
ItÂ’s gonna take time I know
But IÂ’ll get over you"
Never thought I would say this but "Cry me a River" by Justin "the nancy boy" Timberlake is a pretty powerful tune.
No music can make one feel better after a bust up - particularly if you really felt something for the other person.

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