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Spot the band
A while ago Curio sent me a quiz very much like the cryptic band names quiz that we played not so long ago. (Time being relative of course :p) Only this time there are 270 pictures of bands (no solo artists as far as I can make out).

With the help of Forumadmin (Thank you very much :thumbs: ) it is now possible for us to play in a thread :jive:

So without further ado - apart from the drum roll....

:cheer: Let's play spot the band :cheer:

[Image: test.JPG]
[BUZZ="2"]Band 1 [/BUZZ]
Wahoo! I know this one!

Take That! Big Grin :cloud9:
dudette Wrote:Wahoo! I know this one!

Take That! Big Grin :cloud9:

What must I take ? :haha:


Oops we seem to have a technical problem Blush

I can't access the next picture :bigcry:
Thanx for sorting out the problem Admin :thumbs:

Here is the next picture Smile

[Image: Band%202.jpg]

[BUZZ="2"]Band 2[/BUZZ]
[BUZZ="2"]Pick me! Pick me! [/BUZZ]

The Insects ...:cheeky
dudette Wrote:[BUZZ="2"]Pick me! Pick me! [/BUZZ]

The Insects ...:cheeky

I hope she means The Beatles :haha:


[Image: Band%203.jpg]

[BUZZ="2"]Band 3 [/BUZZ]
Great that you managed to get it up & running Jangar & ForumAdmin.
:thumbs: Smile
Don't think I should participate though (wouldn't be fair) but I hope other GB's will have a go & enjoy it.
Jangar Wrote:I hope she means The Beatles :haha:


[Image: Band%203.jpg]

[BUZZ="2"]Band 3 [/BUZZ]

transvision vamp lead singer Wendy James
[Image: qubranch_sig.gif]
Jangar, do we have to wait for you to post the links or can we just browse through them (I can tell you number 6 & 7) Cool
Ade Wrote:Jangar, do we have to wait for you to post the links or can we just browse through them (I can tell you number 6 & 7) Cool

:mmm: Where do you see that Ade??? :confused:

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