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Sunday afternoon thoughts
Seeing a newspaper at the airport in Tanzania, I saw for the first time what happened in Iraq and in the States.

It shocked me and all day flying back to the UK I was pondering about all the major disasters this last year. The Tsunami, the bombs in London, airplane crashes, other floods, etc.

I realised that it is so important for us to take stock of our lives asking do I really know God. Am I having a live relationship with Him everyday, or do I just know about Him - fear Him.... and also blame Him if things don't go right. Am I experiencing His love, and do I walk in obedience.

Do I use Him as the steering wheel of my life.... with reading the Bible as a guide for life - or, am I just using Him as the spare wheel whenever I am in trouble or in need.

He promises us in the Word that He will supply all our needs - gives us our daily bread. Do I trust and acknowledge Him as my only true source. Where is my security..... in my earthly belongings and my bank account, or do I have a heavenly bank account.

I was thinking about keeping short accounts with people.... is there someone that I need to put things right with.....

A scripture verse that I read during my time away was in Revelations 21:6 "... I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beinning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life."

Let us drink from that spring.... to be satisfied with the water of life, and not fear tomorrow because we know where are security is..... in Jesus Christ.

May you be blessed in know Him.... our only true Source!


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