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The White List
Have any of you heard of this proposed legislation (in the US)?

In effect - and I have reproduced part of it below - all plants not named on this list will be considered illegal, and will not be allowed to be imported, bought, traded or propagated within the US. Effectively it will make illegal 99% of the worlds plant biodiversity!


"ALL" Plants considered Illegal if not on White List.

The 'White List' is a proposed law which will ban the import, movement and cultivation of (over 99% of the world's species of plants) . Backed by corporate herbicide manufacturers and exotic pest control plant councils, the new law will ban 'any' plant not on the 'government approved' White List.

'All' species will be considered guilty until proven innocent. By Law, expensive safety testing will be required for 'all' plants before they are (approved) for possession and propagation). Thus, only major corporations will be able to afford to introduce new plants into cultivation.

We already have adequate weed prevention laws-it makes no sense to ban virtually the entire plant kingdom 'just in case'. This is indeed equivalent to the government announcing that only 'pre-approved' books, magazine articles,etc, would be allowed, and all new writings would have to pass through government censores before publication. The world's biological diversity has now been likened to a great library & now book-burners will be in charge.

Current Law 'blacklists' known harmful plants, everything else is permitted. Under the White List, (everything is prohibited); except what is on the list.

The recently-formed national Invasive species council is scheduled to give their recommendations to the President in August, and is expected to mandate 'White List' legislation. If you want your voice heard, now is the time! Contact your representives. Write to your local newspapers, garden writers, garden clubs and magazines. Opposition to this legislation is growing, and it looks like we can stop this if enough of us speak out.

A group called the No White List Coalition has formed, and is actively coordinating this opposition. They have an excellent website:

This site gives detailed information about the White List and the effects it will have, as well as legislators to contact, and ways to take action. Here is our chance to turn back this bad law.

Imagine what it would be like if the 'only' plants you would be 'allowed' to grow where those (monitored by law) at the local pricemart-(patented and approved).
Scary to think how our lives are becoming more and more monitored! Back in SA our house has a guava tree, which is now supposed to be a banned plant!
I hope I can see the list of planned plants soon.
I think guavas were banned back home because they take up too much water and self seed a bit too easily. Same reason why syringa trees (Cape lilac) is banned in the northern parts of SA.

I shared this on MT as well and explained there that something similar already exists within the EU whereby only seed cultivars listed for commercial growing and trade can be legally bought and sold within the EU, that was the impetus for starting the heritage seed saver organisations - to preserve the genetic diversity of cultivated plants. I see the white list of the US as an extension of this type of policy making.
I have not looked at the list, is the eucalyptus tree on it or not?????
My dear neigbour in the UK -- with our huge gardens!!!!!!! --- had two !!

He did remove the one after I asked him to trim it a bit, I had shade on my washing line from 3pm......... so he trimmed it and then decided to take the tree out. He has another one left between him and another neighbour, far too close to both houses I think!!!

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