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Full Version: Week 22's Trivial Pursuit
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Blue Frit
penelope Wrote:Blue Frit

Close but no cigar Smile
Light purple that was almost lilac in color?
Woohoo !!! I get to do a bellydance :cheer: as the answer is

Egyptian blue Big Grin
Jangar Wrote:Woohoo !!! I get to do a bellydance :cheer: as the answer is Egyptian blue Big Grin

Wag 'n bietjie. Dudette is possible right because I believe frit blue, Eqyptian blue and Pompeiian blue are all the same color.
Toktokkie Wrote:Wag 'n bietjie. Dudette is possible right because I believe frit blue, Eqyptian blue and Pompeiian blue are all the same color.
Thanks Toktokkie...hope that Jan's not able to do a Bellydance
Toktokkie Wrote:Wag 'n bietjie. Dudette is possible right because I believe frit blue, Eqyptian blue and Pompeiian blue are all the same color.

You believe what you want to Wink The answer I have is Egyptian blue and that is what I am sticking to :cheer:

Penelope - what is wrong with my belly or my dancing for that matter ?

PS - keep this up and there'll be no need for you to get a new hat :p

penelope Wrote:Dudette take note of our times....Great minds think alike................or is it that fools never differ :mmm:

I like to think of it as Great Minds ... :cheeky:
:crylol: :crylol:
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