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Full Version: Week 38's Fact or Fiction
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Walt Disney died before Walt Disney World opened to the public.
Fact ....
I think Fact too

Disney was able to enjoy the Magic Kingdom in California for 11 years, but he died in 1966, five years before the Florida location opened. Disney also never saw the completion of his Epcot center, short for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, a showcase for American creativity, which opened in 1982.

Professional baseball's first female umpire resigned a few hours after her first game.
sounds like another fact
I'll go for fiction then
fact from me as well

Bernice Gera, who graduated from Florida Baseball Umpire School in Palm Beach, officiated the first game between New York and Pennsylvania in the Class A leaguein 1972. Fans and players jeered her and she quit after the game ended. This move ended her career as an umpire, but she continued to work in baseball, in the promotions department for the New York Mets.

The Ben and Jerry's ice cream company was formed in a church basement.
sounds like fact
Fiction from me then Smile