24-04-2006, 04:24 PM
24-04-2006, 05:16 PM
Pronkertjie Wrote:What is the pro's and cons of using a Firefox browser. Should I download it or not?YES! YES! YES!
I have been using it for a long time now and I have never had any problems. When I ran Internet Explorer I had nothing but trouble and security vulnerabilities. Read a few reviews and to help you make up your mind have have a look at the following:-
You will see that it's becoming the most popular browser by choice (as opposed to IE which comes as part of Windoze.) IE is working on their version 7 which will then have many of the features already included with Mozilla Firefox. The Email Client "Thunderbird" comes as a separate program and is far more secure than Outlook Express. In addition you could also download "Sunbird" giving you the equivalent of MS Outlook PIM functionality. This is if you choose to use all the elements of the Mozilla family of programs.
Good luck

24-04-2006, 05:17 PM
Pronkertjie Wrote:What is the pro's and cons of using a Firefox browser. Should I download it or not?
Pronks I've been using it on all our pc's for over a year. It has a cool function of being able to tab browse. What this means is that if you have more than one window open unlike IE where they are all on the bottom and under different pages.. With firefox you only have one window open but different tabs like a filing cabinet. CLT T creates new tabs. It has a cool function to select a dictionery. No popups which is even better and much safer than IE.
What I suggest you do is download it and play with it and you will soon get hooked. If not no harm done revert back to IE but very few people actually do. Remember with anything new it might take a while to get use to it.
Here If you read all the advantages you will be amazed.
24-04-2006, 05:22 PM
I found that Firefox kept on crashing, so have gone back to IE. It was good at first, but then didn't keep pace.
24-04-2006, 05:38 PM
Pronkertjie Wrote:What is the pro's and cons of using a Firefox browser. Should I download it or not?Pronks, our mutual friend here downloaded Avant browser for me. It prevents pop ups, etc.
I have been using Avant for the past two , three years??
24-04-2006, 05:55 PM
Thanks everyone....
I've been using too for the last year and never had problems with it. I got XP Pro on my computer (had XP Home) and realised that I am back to the Explorer. Thought I'll get some views on this.
Joan, our mutual friend should come for a visit this way.... lol
I've been using too for the last year and never had problems with it. I got XP Pro on my computer (had XP Home) and realised that I am back to the Explorer. Thought I'll get some views on this.
Joan, our mutual friend should come for a visit this way.... lol
24-04-2006, 07:05 PM
let us set-up a Firefox referral link quickly

:edit: see the referral image in the left column

:edit: see the referral image in the left column
03-05-2006, 08:41 AM
I use both actually....this is because I use Firefox for normal browsing etc...and IE for my banking, cause Firefox cant do this...
Also FF, has some hiccups with some type of scripting, which IE handle better...so there are pros and cons of FF, although the cons are few.
Also FF, has some hiccups with some type of scripting, which IE handle better...so there are pros and cons of FF, although the cons are few.
03-05-2006, 11:31 AM
Excellent software, Firefox is less vulnerable to viruses as most are written to exploit I.E.I especially like the ability to run multiple tabs.
Download it, you will be pleased.
Download it, you will be pleased.
03-05-2006, 11:45 AM
Thanks guys.... I am using Firefox.... and quite happy 
