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Full Version: Spouse Visa Confusion
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Good day all.

I would like to know if I am a British Citizen and apply for British passports for my children, and then decide to move to Ireland to settle there with my wife and children, would my wife require a visa or residency card or any other documentation if she is a South African citizen?

Also does anyone on this forum live in Ireland? I would like to get some more information on Ireland.

And would I need to apply to the Garda for a card or something if I want to work there, considering I have British citizenship, but have not been in the UK (or EU countries) since I was 3 years old?

Hi Popeye

Wow, moving from sunny NZ to cold beautiful Ireland.

I think your wife will need a visa to live in Ireland. I am sure either mcamp or John01 will be able to tell you more.