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A Battle Won - Zulu_Foxtrot - 11-02-2004

Well done MissQtoe - the court process is the only way to go. You go for it girl.

A Battle Won - Jillibeans - 11-02-2004

Well done MissQToe, will be thinking of you on the 17th. :thumbs:

A Battle Won - Tania - 11-02-2004

Thank you curio, Daniela, ZF and Jillibeans for your kind wishes. I feel more relieved now, however am stressed for the 17th of March.

Bar death, I dont think there is anything worse that can happen to a parent than to face losing one of your children. The mere thought of it drives me insane. Thankfully the UK legal system is excellent and a real safety net. When dealing with a financially powerful and viciously vengeful Ex, at least the average parent on the street is protected.

A Battle Won - Daniela - 11-02-2004

Quote:Originally posted by MissQtoe
Thank you curio, Daniela, ZF and Jillibeans for your kind wishes. I feel more relieved now, however am stressed for the 17th of March.

Bar death, I dont think there is anything worse that can happen to a parent than to face losing one of your children. The mere thought of it drives me insane. Thankfully the UK legal system is excellent and a real safety net. When dealing with a financially powerful and viciously vengeful Ex, at least the average parent on the street is protected.

I can just imagine how stressfull it all is for you....just think positive thoughts and know that we are all here routing for you...that means a huge combined force of positive vibes coming your way. :hartlik:

I hope the EX rots in hell for doing this to you and your kids :mad::mad:

A Battle Won - Venus - 12-02-2004

Quote:Originally posted by MissQtoe

Back to the topic - what worries me is the amount of damage done to family ties. The whiplash-effect on both families is tremendous, and irreparable. The poor little 3-year old does not know that yet...

Hi MissQtoe. I'm so sorry that you've had to experience all this. I know how devastating it must be for you. I also understand about the damage to family ties. I'm here if you need to offload to someone who knows what you're going through. I'll be thinking of you from now on until the 17th March. (((HUGS)))

A Battle Won - sue w - 12-02-2004

Well I think we have a lot to celebrate on the 17th
St Patricks day (LOL at Strawbs and the little green leprechaun)
Its Cubbies wedding anniversary,
Its my little girls 2nd birthday

Good luck to you and your little girl and your future together and I am so happy for you, as it is a most terrifying thought, the possibility of having your child taken away from you. Well done for fighting the fight and G.o.d save the Queen indeed!!!! Big Grin

A Battle Won - Safferbeauty - 12-02-2004

Glad that you won. Congrats. Children should stay with their mum unless there are certain certain circumstances.... Good luck and I will be thinking of you in March. How does the little angel feel about this

A Battle Won - Tania - 13-02-2004

Thank you kindly venus, sue w and chickie.

The little one does not understand much, but has always been very close to me, so I guess she will be happy. She's like a little honey bee around me day adn night. If I go upstairs, she follows, adn always remains in sight of her mamma. I have not discussed it with her, but do ask her from time to time where she'd like to live. The answer is always 'with mamma'.

It is lovely to fall asleep next to her at night, knowing she will always be with me Smile

A Battle Won - Icecub - 13-02-2004

Quote:Originally posted by MissQtoe
Thank you kindly venus, sue w and chickie.

The little one does not understand much, but has always been very close to me, so I guess she will be happy. She's like a little honey bee around me day adn night. If I go upstairs, she follows, adn always remains in sight of her mamma. I have not discussed it with her, but do ask her from time to time where she'd like to live. The answer is always 'with mamma'.

It is lovely to fall asleep next to her at night, knowing she will always be with me Smile

aw so sweet darling......Smile

A Battle Won - sunny - 15-02-2004

Quote:Originally posted by MissQtoe
My little princess will remain with her mum. Big Grin

Congratulations MissQtoe Smile ...... you must be soooo relieved ..... what a victory Wink ..... does he have visiting rights to your daughter? .... Hope things go well from now on and all the very best for the 17th March :thumbs: