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WinXP Styles - Hampshire Hog - 03-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Jangar
Thanx for the link and offer HH Smile

HH and Picanin,

Is this the one to get ? :confused:
Hi Jangar

Yep, that's the guy I got my disks from. (Although reading the spec. it looks like he's updated it since I bought mine.) Remember the 3rd Disk was not recognised. He even sent me a replacement copy. So remember that if you decide to go for it. He may have a "dodgy" download in the first place.

At least Disk 1 & 2 did work and I had a full system up and running from them as well.

Check with Picanin, he may know of other sources worth looking at. The one he gave me called ( seems to have been "down" for the last 3/4 days now. I don't know if they have shut down or are just having website problems.

Good luck with your efforts. Let me know if you want the disks I have.


:thumbs: Confusedurfing: Confusedunny:

WinXP Styles - picanin - 03-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Ameniatha
Lol HH I know what a dual boot system is.... Big Grin

I guess it just bugs me a bit that the Linux dudes want to be rid of windows so badly, but they still have to use it anyway at times...

But ok each to his own right.... Wink

Errr Amen you been sniffing your broomstick fuel? Big Grin I use only Linux at home and I do more on my Linux box than I can with Windows for a similar cost. You try installing Windows XP and then using the BUILT IN software to create presentations, run a web server, run a mail server, chat on most IM environments, create spreadsheets, edit Video, watch and record a TV Channel from your TV card, compile programs etc etc etc etc. I do all this on my bog standard Linux box. So why would I want to use Windows? Yes I do agree there are some apps - specifically games - that are better served by Windows. However that is it. Just out of curiosity work out what it would cost you to run all those software apps above on a Windows box using Windows offerings. You will be looking at at least a few hundred squid. My cost? Three hours worth of downloading on broadband!

However, and I harp on this, there is one more good reason why Bill Gates needs to brought back to earth. Security. Why do you think there are so many viruses, trojans etc out there? It is because people continue to buy Microsofts half finished offerings. You are buying software so buggy that if cars were sold in a similar condition you would see an incredible rise in road accident fatalities as a result of mechanical failure. MS has the market cornered at present and so it sells whatever rot it likes. I would not advocate the total demise of Windows offerings - after all someone has to take the mugs for a ride - however MS needs to start offering quality software and not the rubbish it does.

WinXP Styles - Jangar - 03-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Hampshire Hog
Hi Jangar

Yep, that's the guy I got my disks from. (Although reading the spec. it looks like he's updated it since I bought mine.) Remember the 3rd Disk was not recognised. He even sent me a replacement copy. So remember that if you decide to go for it. He may have a "dodgy" download in the first place.

At least Disk 1 & 2 did work and I had a full system up and running from them as well.

Check with Picanin, he may know of other sources worth looking at. The one he gave me called ( seems to have been "down" for the last 3/4 days now. I don't know if they have shut down or are just having website problems.

Good luck with your efforts. Let me know if you want the disks I have.


:thumbs: Confusedurfing: Confusedunny:

Hej again HH,

The link you provided works now so I am busy downloading, though it will probably take all weekend but that doesn't matter as I won't be at home anyway. Will let you know on Monday if the downloads are ok or if I need a copy of your cds. Smile

WinXP Styles - Ameniatha - 04-09-2004


I can see your point Picanin... like I said earlier each to their own...

In any case, I did not start this thread to be bashed on how poorly or not windows performs compared to Linux, it was merely to provide som info on how to make the WinXP styles a little more funky for the people who use it.... :mad:

I think that the Linux vs Windows issue has been discussed to death.....people will choose to run what they are comfortable with.

WinXP Styles - picanin - 04-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Ameniatha
people will choose to run what they are comfortable with.

I agree Amen! People who want excellence go for a *nix based OS and those happy with mediocrity go for Windows! (Note I did not mention Linux once in that sentance!) :p

Now come on Amen! You know you want to try Linux! Big Grin

WinXP Styles - Ameniatha - 04-09-2004

Would never.... I actually happen to like my WinXP.. Wink

WinXP Styles - party boy - 04-09-2004

i have a spare pc to try it on, but where the hell do u get it? and what type of pc will it run on?

WinXP Styles - Jangar - 08-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by party boy
i have a spare pc to try it on, but where the hell do u get it? and what type of pc will it run on?

I've finally downloaded all 3 cd's from the link HH posted and will try them out soon, as soon as I figure out how to set it up... Not sure if I am going to drag out the old monitor from the basement or buy a switch box yet...

Please PM me if you'd like a copy of the cd's Smile