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a childs perspective - Printable Version

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a childs perspective - mcamp999 - 07-02-2007

PICTURE the scene. In a classroom south of the border, the teacher is asking her pupils to describe the jobs done by their dads.

After all the usual replies (postman, mechanic, office worker, etc) Billy puts his hand up and says: "Miss, my dad works as an exotic dancer in a gay club.

Strange men shove money inside his G-string and sometimes, if they pay him enough cash, he spends the night with them in a cheap hotel room."

The shocked teacher orders the rest of the class to get back to their work and she invites Billy out to the corridor for a quiet word.

"Is it true what you told everyone in class?" she asks.

"Does your dad really work as an exotic dancer in a gay nightclub?"

And Billy replies: "No, Miss. He actually plays cricket for England, but I was too embarrassed to tell everyone the truth."