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Pc Perserverance
:comp: :comp:

Ok, so I decide my old pc needs upgrading...... only had 96 mb ram and almost 2 gigs. Phone around and most people say too old bla bla bla. One very helpful guy tell me he knows someone who sells good PC's and he recalls that there was one for £150. I phoned the guy and he says he does not sell them, but he has one to sell. When I asked him how much he wanted for it, he said ..... MAKE AN OFFER. Me not being the haggling type said ... oh well i have no idea. The oomie then says to me. I tell u what, i had it cleaned and it cost me £40 so i will be happy to get my money back. I could almost feel wings sprouting to fly and get this bargain. PC has 128mb and 20gig, monitor etc with it.

Hmmmmmmmm. Get PC home, put it on and NADDA on screen at boot up. So .. I changed monitors and she booted up. I tell you what, this babe was in her element. Compared to old pc this one FLEW. I started to install all my proggies on and downloaded music AGAIN.... only to find the drivers for sound card needed updating....managed that after doing many searches on google. THEN decided i will put on windows 2000. BIG MISTAKE. It drained all my RAM.... and i had to look for all the drivers again. Anyway, I sukkled on ..... was too terrified to uninstall and reformat. Spent most of my online time swatting script errors, illegal operations etc.

Christmas Eve ......(i think) put pc on and just got loud boot up. Phoned pic for heeeeeelp .... he said to open up pc and have a look if anything has maybe become dislodged. Could not figure out how to open it, so just fiddled with reset button and she booted up again. I LEFT it running for a week.

New Years Eve arvie..... realised there would be NO alternative but to reformat and install windows 98 again. Went to techi websites to see how this is done.... had to memorise everything cos I dont have a printer. Anyway, managed to get it done with lots of finger crossing and praying.

Whooooo hoooooo had SPEED again. Downloaded all the drivers needed ... (didnt think to save them onto floppy). Started installing my fave proggies again and noticed things started slowing down again. Checked the properties .... 64 mb of my ram was missing!!! Happened to mention to LOLS and her and hubby said it must be that the ram is buggered. Only thing to do was to get into pc and check it out. They suggested I take the front panel off and that shud give me a way to get side panel off. HEY in, checked the mem sticks which were so full of dust. Reseated them and BINGO, all the ram was back. A few hours afterwards i got a LOUD beeeeeeep again. (sob! Sob!) ........ LOLS and HUBBY to the rescue again. I opened up the pc.....fiddled with the ram and problem sorted.

Finally I have no problems??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAYS .....Started to get booted from internet connection like every 2 minutes. Spent hours on phone to aoHELL who referred it to BT. Did another search about the INIT packet message and common denominator was either crappy bt voyager 100 modem and out dated drivers. Did ANOTHER search for drivers, Installation process asked for windows 98 cd, so I put it in, NOTHING .checked my computer ....NO d drive listed. EISH, EISH, EISH !!!! Thankfully i had made the mistake of NOT uninstalling the existing modem drivers so was able to go online and do another search of THAT problem. Got it sorted ..... tried so many things so am not sure exactly which one solved it. OK, so i uninstall existing modem drivers, and once again get asked to put the windows CD in. Cool fruits ..... UNTIL it says the file needed is NOT on the disk. I clicked and clicked ok, then skip file and it finally worked. Did that solve my problem?? NOPE. Spent most of the day yesterday repeating my problem to 20 different techies for the hundredth time and insisted on speaking to a level 2 techie who told me to install aol 9. 2 hours later I got it installed and so far so good.!!!! Hmmmmmmmm maybe its just FLUKE ........ we shall see. Oh forgot to mention that I got so gatvol at one stage that I phoned aoHELL cancellation department throwing a HISSY at them and managed to get a month free subscription and a brand new modem is on its way to me.

So, what is the moral of this story???? WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY. :rofl: even when you think the end is nigh for you pc ..... may very well not be.
I hope this is the end of your saga Angelbabe Smile

At least you didn't do a Jangar, PC died, so he decided to upgrade everything but the graphics card which was only a year old, only to discover that it was the graphics card that was very broken and causing the problem... :mad:

And he managed to destroy the back-up hdd in the process too and lost all the info on the other drive which had to be reformatted. :bigcry:

So much for making back-ups :rofl:
Whats a backup!!!! Angel glad you got it sorted. PS Check in the mail?
lols Wrote:Whats a backup!!!! Angel glad you got it sorted. PS Check in the mail?

Real men don't make back-ups :p So I guess I'm a woos.... Not that it helped making a back-up :mad:

Don't you mean cheque ? :haha:
Jangar Wrote:Real men don't make back-ups :p So I guess I'm a woos.... Not that it helped making a back-up :mad:

Don't you mean cheque ? :haha:

I did mean cheque but spelt it that way on purpose. (tougue in cheek)

So what am I cause I no man and don't make backups
lols Wrote:I did mean cheque but spelt it that way on purpose. (tougue in cheek)

So what am I cause I no man and don't make backups

I guess that would make you anything but a real man :haha:
lols Wrote:I did mean cheque but spelt it that way on purpose. (tougue in cheek)

So what am I cause I no man and don't make backups

I emailed the cheque to you :rofl:
angelbabe Wrote:I emailed the cheque to you :rofl:

thats cool i accept electronic cheques :crylol:

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