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Morning from a very Confusedunny: Durbs!!

I just want to wish all Christians a blessed time of peace and reflection this Easter.

May you come to a greater understanding of the power of the cross and what He did for each of us.

May the gift of the Holy Spirit become a greater and greater power in your life, the decisions you make and the words you speak.

May He manifest himself in your life in a way that you bear much fruit to His glory and may your relationship with Him become a lifelong friendship and one of peace, faith and obedience Confusedunny:

Happy Easter

Celebrate....He is ALIVE!!!!! :thumbs:
Thank you Sue...

When I look at the colours of nature, when I see the vastness of space, when I consider the wonders of the tiny things He makes, when I think of the matter of life - DNA, atoms, light - how incredible He is! What a wonderful God it speaks of..... yet, He send His only beloved Son to die on the Cross for me and you so that we can have eternal life. It is mind blowing.... even to think He also desires that intimate relationship with us.

Like you said, may we all receive more revelation!

Thank you both for the insperation that you give to everybody else. So so many people forget the true meaning of Easter and I often wonder if a survey could be taken around the world of all children 16 years and younger asking them to give the "meaning" of Easter and Christmas, just what percentage would not know.

May you both be blessed and keep the insperations coming.
Always enjoy life - and remember there is always someone worse off than yourself - treat others as you yourself would want to be treated.

I heard on East Coast Radio the other day that in the USA, this Easter over 14 Billion dollars will be spent on chocolate eggs in celebration :dazed: the world has gone MAD :confused:

So as an eggless believer Big Grin I will focus on the cross!!
Sue Johnson Wrote:Rita

I heard on East Coast Radio the other day that in the USA, this Easter over 14 Billion dollars will be spent on chocolate eggs in celebration :dazed: the world has gone MAD :confused:

So as an eggless believer Big Grin I will focus on the cross!!

Sjoe Sue.... that is a lot of money for something that brings satisfaction for the moment... (and go sit on the hips forever Smile )


Big Grin


That would be an interesting question to ask.

At one time, missionaries went from the UK to Africa to share the good news, today, Africa is sending missionaries to the UK to do the same. What a reversal......

Pronkertjie Wrote:Sjoe Sue.... that is a lot of money for something that brings satisfaction for the moment... (and go sit on the hips forever Smile )


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