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Blasphemy on Easter Friday
Last night the family was watching a show on Suomi [Finnish] TV and this presenter ran a segment which was plain blasphemy and in poor taste.

What probably annoyed me most was the aspect that they would never dream of making fun of a Muslim or Jewish holiday on National TV, but Christianity comes in for blasphemy on what is considered the most important weekend/day on the Christian calendar.

A PC world gone mad
TheDuck Wrote:Last night the family was watching a show on Suomi [Finnish] TV and this presenter ran a segment which was plain blasphemy and in poor taste.

What probably annoyed me most was the aspect that they would never dream of making fun of a Muslim or Jewish holiday on National TV, but Christianity comes in for blasphemy on what is considered the most important weekend/day on the Christian calendar.

A PC world gone mad
Totally mad Duck.
I can never understand why it is pc to ridicule Christians .....

But then, Christ was mocked, ridiculed, tortured and killed, yet He never complained or defended Himself. He said we should turn the other cheek.

OK ... so we have the angle that people do not want to believe in Christianity.. granted

but would they ever dream of running bad taste footage during Ramadan

does being liberal and PC mean you defend one religion but never the other

I am sure that if the national TV ran a segment relating to otehr religions then there would probably be an outcry from the EU .. that it does not send the right message to the world ..

so exactly what message does it send to the world now

Sorry Duck, just want to be technically correct here, The presenter did not "run" the show, he or she was just paid to present it. Your anger / frustration should rather be directed towards the "author" of the idea for the program, i.e. not the producer or the director, as they we're also paid for their services and had no choice in the subject matter... (other than to accept the job or not...)

Like Joan says, I'll never understand the need to 'knock' someone's religion...

If someone wants to believe in something then amen Smile
TheDuck Wrote:OK ... so we have the angle that people do not want to believe in Christianity.. granted

but would they ever dream of running bad taste footage during Ramadan

does being liberal and PC mean you defend one religion but never the other

I am sure that if the national TV ran a segment relating to otehr religions then there would probably be an outcry from the EU .. that it does not send the right message to the world ..

so exactly what message does it send to the world now

My modem died on me as I was typing the reply.

You are correct Duck, other religions will never be made fun of or ridiculed.

I think PC is the one of the reasons that the world is so twisted.

:confused: Sad
No No

the presenter Ruben ... ran a segment of him dressed in garb walking through the streets of Helsinki with 3 others carrying a lightweight cross ... then Judas washing feet etc etc ...

This was no Life of Brian exercise ... a Monty Python movie TheDuck can watch over and over again ..

the timing of the segment ... on Good Friday ... this is the issue

They could of run the segment on a frosty Friday in January ... however this is blasphemy aimed to make an impact ... his co-presenter said that those working on the switchboards are going to be kept busy ...

called shock value ... create a stir ...

My major issue is would they ever dream of doing this on the most important day of Ramadan ... spell rhetoric .. .no because they would run the risk of losing their job most likely

why is there no respect shown now

Quote:why is there no respect shown

Because of the liberal soft hearts that are getting more and more popular....
Simply because we accept the cr@p that gets thrown our way, because when we want to voice dissent we are scared of being branded in some negative form or another.....other groups have no compulsion in raising protest and so should we.... If a R/C priest or a Methodist minister had to stand on a street corner preaching hatred towards Islam, degrading follows of the faith there would be a wholesale outcry .....but when the opposite happens they damn well get away with it......makes one think..
SPAM in a can....Now available in regular, turkey, Lite and HOT
Christians only have themselves to blame as they allow this sort of treatment. But then again the last time I said as ridiculed by the same believers who now take umbrage at a blasphemous TV program. Maybe if more Christians got off there bums and actually defended their faith - just like the Jews and Moslems do - then there would be far more respect for the faith.
picanin Wrote:Christians only have themselves to blame as they allow this sort of treatment. But then again the last time I said as ridiculed by the same believers who now take umbrage at a blasphemous TV program. Maybe if more Christians got off there bums and actually defended their faith - just like the Jews and Moslems do - then there would be far more respect for the faith.
picanin, I think you are making a slight mistake here.
Christians are people of peace and not fighters.
Nevermind what you may think of us!
If other religions want to believe and do what they want, it does not mean that two wrongs make a right. Christians are often blamed that they "force" their religion down the throats of others............... is it not best to keep quiet and hold onto your faith?


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