17-09-2004, 08:59 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Jangar
Remember the days before internet ? :p
Indeed........ my good ole 1200baud modem dialling up to the various BBS's around SA. The forerunners to the internet. Downloading an app took forever - and God help if the BBS didnt support Z-Modem - if they were really iffy they would use Kermit or X-modem - then you could be on all night!
Long nights spent chatting on Beltel ended in bills of around R1000 just for the phone calls!
Then the internet came and so too my flashy all singing all dancing 2400 modem. A UNIX shell account with internet Africa gave me acess to more information than I thought possible using Gopher as well as Archie. But all that paled when compared to the newsgroups! USENET was a God! You could get an asnwer to any question using USENET as well as access to all sorts of interesting but often illegal content!
Ahhh the good old days!