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Indecision is often worse than the wrong action...

Former President Ronald Reagan enjoyed telling the following story about himself. He claimed it was how he learned, early in life, to make firm and resolute decisions.

According to the story, a kindly aunt took him to a cobbler to have a pair of shoes custom-made for him. The shoemaker asked, 'Do you want a square toe or a round one?' The young Reagan hemmed and hawed, so the cobbler said, 'Come back in a day or two and tell me what you want.'

A few days later the cobbler saw Reagan on the street and asked what he had decided about the shoes. 'I haven't made up my mind,' Reagan answered.

'Very well,' the cobbler said, and then he announced to his customer, 'Your shoes will be ready tomorrow.' When Reagan got the shoes, one had a round toe and the other a square toe!

Reagan concluded, 'Looking at those shoes every day taught me a lesson. If you don't make your own decisions, somebody else will make them for you.'

Remember always that no decision, is a decision!

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8


Messages In This Thread
Indecision.... - by Pronkertjie - 12-01-2005, 12:33 PM
Indecision.... - by Sue Johnson - 27-01-2005, 06:57 AM

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