11-02-2004, 02:42 PM
Quote:Originally posted by MissQtoe
Thank you curio, Daniela, ZF and Jillibeans for your kind wishes. I feel more relieved now, however am stressed for the 17th of March.
Bar death, I dont think there is anything worse that can happen to a parent than to face losing one of your children. The mere thought of it drives me insane. Thankfully the UK legal system is excellent and a real safety net. When dealing with a financially powerful and viciously vengeful Ex, at least the average parent on the street is protected.
I can just imagine how stressfull it all is for you....just think positive thoughts and know that we are all here routing for you...that means a huge combined force of positive vibes coming your way. :hartlik:
I hope the EX rots in hell for doing this to you and your kids :mad::mad: