27-03-2007, 03:05 PM
Sorry Pronks I didn't tell anyone except T. Didn't want to fail - work figured it out when they noticed the weight loss.
Duck wish I could run it off like you did but I'm not made for running - my legs are too short:crylol:
My reward for losing all the weight is a dress in Harvey Nichols. That will mean another trip out of Wales but I can live with that. Best start saving for it though. By the time my goal is reached it will probably have gone up ten fold. Or I've changed my mind
Duck wish I could run it off like you did but I'm not made for running - my legs are too short:crylol:
My reward for losing all the weight is a dress in Harvey Nichols. That will mean another trip out of Wales but I can live with that. Best start saving for it though. By the time my goal is reached it will probably have gone up ten fold. Or I've changed my mind