28-03-2006, 05:33 PM
Oom Rob Wrote:I despair!!
When Ruth and I went into visit this morning she was ready for coming home - she is no better than when she went in and the pain is just as bad. Ruth went off to find the Specialist and he told her that he "knows there is something wrong but I cannot find it" - so he is sending Wendy home with anti-depressents!! When Ruth tried to ask him a few questions he walked away - I am in despair as my daughter is in pain and nobody appears interested.
Dear Oom Rob,
I just cannot understand that this is happening in today's day and age of 2006! It is just totally unacceptable that Wendy is in pain and they want to discharge her home....it is your right as a NHS patient to demand a second opinion, if you feel the consultant in charge of her care do not do enough to try and get to the bottom of this. He need to refer her to a colleauge or even another hospital with more specialist care if needed.
Wendy can also ask to be reviewed by the 'painteam' (this is normally led by a consultant anaesthetist and a team that specialise in pain management) and be on appropiate painkillers.
As a member of the profession it is just hard and frustrating when reading things like this :wall:
Best of luck with this situation, and do let us know how she is getting on :hug: