10-03-2004, 01:30 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Jillibeans
Gee Squeaky you're lucky, how do you manage that one -no changing of nappies. :thumbs:
Teething rings are good, we also gave our daughters biltong to chew on as the salt helps alot. You also get teething powders or gels which numb the gums
Salt can kill babies! don't give your baby salted biltong. In SA one can get unsalted biltong, that is good to use for teething.
(because a baby doesn't drink much water (if any) and their kidneys can't filter out salt very quickly, it can build up in the tissues, and can be fatal. That is why one should never use salt in a babies food, until they are at least 1 year old, and even then, only very sparingly.)