10-03-2004, 02:22 PM
Quote:Originally posted by eteechah
New research has come to light in the last 10 years or so that has proved salt to be bad for kids.
At one stage asbestos was considered safe, doctors used to Xray your entire body every time you visited them, thalidomide was considered to be a safe sleeping pill. All of these things mentioned are now known to be very very bad. Just because something *used* to me considered safe, does not always mean that new research should be totally disregarded.
We all grew up with Aspirin as the only painkiller, but you are now banned by law from giving aspirin to a child under 12 years of age, due to recent discoveries linking it to a fatal condition in children. Is it so hard to believe that excess salt in a babies diet can kill? (and lets face it, the average baby is going to consume far more convenience foods than we did while growing up, and as we all know, these convenience food contain huge quatities of salt. This means there is even less tolerance in a modern babies diet for chewing salty biltong)
Well we even use to put salt in our childrens food, because food without salt is awful and my moto is 'if I can't eat it then how could I expect my children to eat it'.
I agree with asbestos and thalidomide, yeah they did think both were great and they weren't but as I said previously to much emphasis is put onto everything and what is actually happening is children today are becoming weaker.