16-01-2007, 06:31 PM
Pampered Wrote:Firstly, CONGRATS!! I know your daughter is young, but so were you when you had your kids, and mistakes happen... Doesn't mean we wish we could not have had them. I am sure you will adore your grandchild!! I had my girls 3 days after my 20th birthday, and then my son when I was 30. I face the possibility (please, God NOOOO!) of becoming a young Granny myself, and I will be heartbroken if that's the case. I want my girls to be able to travel and do withings that I was not in a position to take advantage of, myself.... So I understand your heartache. ((HUG))
Thanks pampered. I know that I will love the little one. I already feel very protective towards he/she.
And definitely mistakes happen, I know only too well! I feel preggers with my daughter, to fall preggers with my son 16 months later!! As if I never learnt the first time! :jester: :eek: You wont believe the colour green a guy can achieve when you tell him that you are preggers a 2nd time unplanned! :taped: :yikes: