11-05-2004, 10:28 AM
Quote:Originally posted by tokoloshie
I stood and I watched as a mother cried, when she had heard that her son had died. He didn't die because he was sick, or he didn't die because he was in a wreck. He died doing what he felt was right.
I watched a father try to hold back his tears, his son had lived only a scant 19 years. His son had died nine thousand miles away, and what was there left for a father to say? He got down on his knees and said a prayer, his brave son knows his father did care.
I stood and watched as a little girl cried. She didn't understand why her brother had passed on; why he never again played with her on the lawn. Looking at the little girl's tears I knew, that her big brother died fighting for you and me.
that is beautiful, who wrote it Toks??