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Quoted from my website:

Quote:Wicca, the religion of witches, has for a very long time been cloaked in secrecy. A growing number of people around the world, are growing dissatisfied with traditional religions, and therefore seek a religion that involves one on a personal level. A religion which celebrates the spiritual as well as the physical, where a reverence for the divine is combined with the exercise of magic.Wicca is such a religion, which focuses on honoring nature in the image of both a god and a goddess. The fact that Wicca has some deep roots in the history of religion, and that the practice of magic is accepted makes it very attractive to many people. But until recently, Wicca has given the impression to be an exclusive religion, mainly due to the lack of information, this has in turn resulted in wide reaching frustration among interested parties.

The dictionary describes Wicca as a pagan nature religion, that has its roots in Western Europe, before Christianity came about. Now it is being revived in the United States, Great Britain, and many other countries all over the world. As a member and follower of the Wiccan religion, you will most likely believe in a God as well as a Goddess, like most other Wiccans. The majority of Wiccans also believe in Reincarnation as a natural cycle that is entered into after ones body dies, and as a way of celebrating life. Wiccans follow many cycles e.g.: personal, physical and seasonal cycles. They also get very involved in environmental issues.

Wiccans believe in a God AND a Goddess, and that all nature is to be sanctified and protected. They believe in The Threefold Law, which states that all your actions will return to you in threefold (multiplied by three), and that the visible and invisible worlds are united as one. Okay......and what about rules? Well, there is only really one major rule that all witches follow, and it goes like this: An it harm none, do as ye will. This rule says that you can do as you please, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. This also includes the witch him/herself. You can read more about this and other laws and principles, on the page titled Laws. Now you might ask, "Do witches want to convert the world?" The answer to that is a simple no. Choosing to be Wiccan is very personal, and most believers of Wicca, know that what suits them may not suit everyone else, and thus they do not seek converts. Witchcraft is a way of life, where loyalty and reverence to ancestors, family, land and their kindred is the closest thing to religion that they have. They do not have a bible, bibles are books containing sacred writings of a religion. Witchcraft is a Pagan folk-religion, which hinges on personal experience rather that written revelations. A Witch may keep a book called the "Book Of Shadows", which essentially is a workbook of sorts, where a record of rituals, discoveries, spells and the individuals poetry is kept for personal reference.

That is basically what its all about, any questions just ask Wink
*Doer of healing rituals and keeper of brooms.*

*Water flows, Wind blows, Fire glows, Earth grows, Magic shows.*

Messages In This Thread
Wicca - by Bushbaby - 02-06-2004, 10:19 AM
Wicca - by Ameniatha - 03-06-2004, 06:21 AM
Wicca - by Bushbaby - 09-06-2004, 01:32 PM
Wicca - by Ameniatha - 10-06-2004, 08:34 AM
Wicca - by Ameniatha - 09-09-2004, 05:45 PM
Wicca - by jewels - 10-09-2004, 12:29 PM
Wicca - by jewels - 10-09-2004, 12:31 PM

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