21-06-2004, 06:14 PM
Quote:Originally posted by dudette
Imagine this scenario - you and your children are invited to a friend's house for a meal and it transpires that on the plate is :eek: horror of horrors, potatoes, which one of your children absolutely detests!
Do you think it is acceptable that your child tells your host politely that he does not like potatoes and leaves them uneaten on his plate, or do you think it is better manners for your child to eat up, even though they hate it?
For the purpose of discussion, say this child is 11 or under.
I think that it is very good to teach your children to say "no thank you" in a polite way. (I'm sure he won't save anyone in Africa's life if he doesn't)
I would hate for a mother to make a scene at my dinner table and force her child to eat what he doesn't like. If the hostess has her act together she will make a note of it and make sure she doesn't serve potatoes to him again.
On the other hand.... if child sits there and performs with bad body language and moan about the potatoes as if it is going to poison him.... I will not be so happy about that either.... specially if he is a little older.
That is just my :2cents: worth...