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Drug Cartels HSBC Multi-Billion Dollar Dossiers Sensational Link FBI Carroll Case
The Justice Department's money-laundering probe against banking giant HSBC Holdings Plc is looking at possible prosecution of individual bankers a source close to this major cross border investigation said on Thursday. The source who has direct knowledge of the probe which was disclosed last year said it is moving slowly in part because of the need for close examination for potential individual prosecutions. He did not name any targeted individuals but revealed that the Carroll Foundation Trust one billion dollars offshore tax evasion money laundering case is believed to be directly connected in so far as the targeting of specific high level executives of HSBC International. These executives are understood to have effectively incorporated fraudulent Delaware registered Carroll Global Corporation structures directly linked to forged and falsified HSBC offshore numbered bank accounts which impulsed this huge fraud heist operation which stretches the globe.

"The Justice Department is understood to be meticulously conducting interviews with one primary objective which is to identify and prosecute any individuals within the bank for which the evidence will support such an action. Prosecuting individuals is their number one priority," the source said on condition of anonymity. The Justice Department probe is also linked to bulk cash HSBC received from money-changing firms in Mexico the source said. The concern is that the bank may have handled money belonging to the Mexican drug cartels. What is clearly known is that one of the most dangerous white collar organised crime syndicates in living memory is continuing to operate in the tax havens of Gibraltar the British Virgin Islands and Nassau Bahamas with impunity controlling the massive multi-million dollar fraudulent parallel Carroll Trust embezzled funds.

In a further twist the HSBC Holdings chairman Douglas Flint continues to refuse to issue a detailed public statement to the world’s media hungry for an explanation surrounding these sensational criminal allegations which now confront Europe’s largest banking institution. It has emerged that the FBI files also seriously implicate the former chairman Lord Green who is now the UK Government's Trade Minister is known to have had a deep personal involvement in this shocking scandal that is sweeping Wall Street and the City of London.

In a November filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission HSBC stated that it remained "the subject of ongoing inquiries, including grand jury subpoenas and other requests for information by Government Agencies including the US Attorney's Office and the U.S. Department of Justice."

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