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Drug prevention campaign reaches thousands
The Gauteng Provincial Government is confident that its integrated approach to social crime prevention is delivering positive results.

A total of 4 125 beneficiaries were reached through the alcohol and drug prevention and awareness campaign in Eldorado Park.

Through the Ke Moja drug prevention programme, a total of 1 113 children and 1 224 youth were reached, while 3 028 beneficiaries were reached through door-to-door campaigns.

The campaign educates community members on the negative effects of alcohol and drug abuse as well as preventing young people from experimenting with drugs.

The Eldorado community says they welcome progress made in addressing drug abuse in their community.

According to the Gauteng Provincial Government, the BOSASA Youth Development Centre currently renders early intervention programmes to 120 children who were identified as being impressionable to drug peddlers.

In addition, a total of 11 children were placed in alternative care and 158 adults participated in diversion programmes in addressing drug dependency challenges.

The Department of Social Development has expanded the bed capacity by additional 82 beds at BOSASA, Golden Harvest and Ithemba Treatment Centres.

These centres prioritise admissions from Eldorado Park. There is currently one funded out-patient treatment centre in Eldorado Park.

Recent reports from the Department of Community Safety indicate that 1 705 arrests were made in Eldorado Park for the possession of drugs and dagga, 290 drunk drivers were arrested, while 29 arrests were made on the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.

More than 222 rounds of ammunition were confiscated, while arrests were made for possession of more than 2 070 Mandrax tablets and 147kgs of dagga.

More than 311 successful convictions ensured that drug peddlers were indeed removed from the streets of Eldorado. –

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