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Hi-fi Problems
I am hoping that somebody could help me on this one....

As per ususal I have Googled it to death and I cannot find a solution, hence turning to GB for some help...

If you can remember, a few weeks back I posted with a problem connecting my DVD/TV and Hi-Fi. Well I sorted that out, thanx to your advice.... I rechecked all the cables and found that I was actually a bit of a dummy! I plugged the video output into the hi-fi.... Blame it on the pregnancy! Smile

Well, this time it is my hi-fi. I am not quite sure how to explain this here goes.

I have a Technics midi component hifi thinghy with 2 big speakers and then the 3 smaller speakers for the surround sound.. the sub woofer one and the other two. Ok so far I don't make sense.... but I will continue ....

The speakers are connected to the hi-fi, but the wires are open (no jack plugs) and have to be put into these little holes in the back and then secured with little clips. The woofer and the other two are connected to the hi-fi with jack plugs.

Anycase, the problem is.... I can hear the sound come out beaoootifully, but as soon as somebody sings, then you can hardly hear them sing.... so the background music comes through loud and clear, it is just the vocals that are muffled....

Any ideas?
Hej Beanie,

I have no experience with surround sound but had you been using normal stereo sound I would have suggested that your polarity is wrong. What happens is that when speaker is moving fowards the other one is moving backwards.

I don't know what speaker cables you are using or if they are colourcoded so what I would suggest you do is to swap the cables to one speaker at a time. It doesn't matter where you swap them, i.e. on the hi-fi or the speaker. Just remember one speaker at at time till the sound comes right.

If it isn't that then I don't think I can help you. Sad
Bean of Love Wrote:I am hoping that somebody could help me on this one....

As per ususal I have Googled it to death and I cannot find a solution, hence turning to GB for some help...

If you can remember, a few weeks back I posted with a problem connecting my DVD/TV and Hi-Fi. Well I sorted that out, thanx to your advice.... I rechecked all the cables and found that I was actually a bit of a dummy! I plugged the video output into the hi-fi.... Blame it on the pregnancy! Smile

Well, this time it is my hi-fi. I am not quite sure how to explain this here goes.

I have a Technics midi component hifi thinghy with 2 big speakers and then the 3 smaller speakers for the surround sound.. the sub woofer one and the other two. Ok so far I don't make sense.... but I will continue ....

The speakers are connected to the hi-fi, but the wires are open (no jack plugs) and have to be put into these little holes in the back and then secured with little clips. The woofer and the other two are connected to the hi-fi with jack plugs.

Anycase, the problem is.... I can hear the sound come out beaoootifully, but as soon as somebody sings, then you can hardly hear them sing.... so the background music comes through loud and clear, it is just the vocals that are muffled....

Any ideas?
Hi BoL

I'm not sure if this will help but it's worth a try. On my old and now my current system there are setting controls on the system that need selecting for the appropriate sounds. One of them will cut out the main central vocals but switching to a different setting you'll get the complete opposite where only the main sound i.e the vocals comes through the front speaker(s) and just a sort of ambient sound through the other surround speakers.

My only other theory is as already stated by Jangar which could have been the problem.

I hope that this helps, otherwise I am right out of ideas. Why not give your local TV & Hi Fi Repair Shop a call. They are the sort of people that have helped me in the past.

Good Luck

:thumbs: Confusedurfing: Confusedunny:
Thank you for this. I will check all the options and see what I am doing wrong... I just find this quite bizzare, as I have done this so many times... but then again, maybe I have become so used to it, that I am making stupid mistakes.

Thanx Jan and Hampshire Hog!
Beanie make sure that the speakers are coupled up to the correct terminals. You may have your speakers wired up wrong or you may have them wired out of phase. Make sure that the black terminal on the speaker is wired to the black terminal on the amp. If you dont wire them up correctly they will be out of phase and this can lead to a loss of detail. I reckon it will be one or the other.
Thanx Pic...

I will check this little problem out on the week-end.... I'll let you know how it goes!

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