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Know your purpose gives meaning to your life...
Quote:Originally posted by Sue Johnson
Hi Joan

I think you know my feelings on many churches today.....

God said He is not in buildings made of stone, He takes up residence in our bodies, through The Holy Spirit upon our invitation. Through the believer, He reaches out to those lost and hurting.

I often hear folk say things that make me wonder why they go to church in the first place and why they church hop? God is interested in our pure worship of Him, irrespective of where we are. He wants relationship and He wants to live with us and work through us.

I enjoy the corporate worship of attending church and when The Holy Spirit moves it's powerful, but I also like to talk to Him in the quietness of my garden, in my car and wherever I feel prompted, so for me it is not about the church, it's ALL about HIM! Big Grin

I agree with you there Sue ... I find more peace chatting to God looking out at sea ... than i ever have in a church. I find that i can no longer go into a church and not feel uncomfortable ... so all my worship is now done in the splendour of nature .. at odd times of the day. It can also be just quietly watching my sons facial expressions while he is telling a story or laughing...

I feel that we often miss the small ways that God provides for us to be in communion with him. He is everywhere and from time to time, we catch a glimpse of His you have done. I agree that we also need time to come together as a body, to worship Him and share with our brother 's and sister's and for me that can happen anywhere.

Rita's message re the purpose driven life is one my own church is studying at present. I am not in a home cell and so have not taken part in the discussions. I found that once I had given my life, God has worked in so many areas of my life and has revealed bit by bit my purpose in this world. The more I follow that purpose, the more I grow in spirtual maturity. But, I have to say that it has meant me laying down much of what the world holds as important. It has meant a stepping out and walking on water which at times is scary, but knowing He has gone on ahead gives me the peace that what I am doing is His purpose for my life, so I don't need to read it in a book. He gives me the picture piece by piece but I have to start without seeing the full picture and that is where Faith kicks in BIG time Big Grin

Have a wonderful day!
Now I dont go to church for many reasons, but have found that nature is the best church ever.

No matter where you go, its always there around you, either buzzing with life and everyday humdrum, or calm and placid like a serene lake.

Finding ones purpose in life I believe is a part of becoming spiritually aware. We can do this in many ways, by being good Christians, by being good Buddhists or even by being good Pagans. The perception of God/Gods is different for each and every person on the planet, and I do think that the more we understand eachothers perceptions, the closer this brings us to true enlightenment, and eventually to finding what our purpose in life really is...Wink
*Doer of healing rituals and keeper of brooms.*

*Water flows, Wind blows, Fire glows, Earth grows, Magic shows.*
Afternoon Everyone

I enjoy times of corporate worship whether that be in a structure of some sort or under a tree in the bush. What is important to me is that I am focussed on our Lord Jesus Christ. That I have, for that short period of time, put down everything that is on my mind (not always easy) and stay focussed on Him and my gratefulness for what He has done, and is doing in my life. I don't always have the right words to say but He is not focussed on my speech, but on my heart.

God shows me His creativity in nature, He shows me His rich canvas which He created for me to enjoy. I see the rainbow and I remember His promise never to flood the earth again. I see the flowers after the winter fires and I reflect on His creation of new life. I see the sun sets and sun rises that He gives to me each day and I am thankful that I have the eyes and the wisdom to see them and know where they come from.

For me The Holy Spirit is God's gift to me on earth. The Holy Spirit is my councillor and is the one who reveals to me the purpose God has for my life. The Holy Spirit guides and shows me which path to follow. I will never be a good Christian, only a Christian. I am a work in progress and far from being what God intends for me, but I keep pressing in and bit by bit, the purpose for my life unfolds before me. Sometimes when I get the wobbles, God provides the right support at the right time from other Christians who are also on their own journey. I am told that if God revealed all at once, His plan for our lives, it would be too big, too scary for us even to begin ! So, in small pieces, He reveals a bit at a time.

When I am following God's purpose...I know it! I have an incredible sense of peace mixed with childlike wonder, mixed with excitement as I see what happen's next. When we find our purpose, we are using all the God given skills we have been given, and we are using them for His purpose. Doors open, people arrive, things happen that make you want to pinch yourself and say "Can this be real?" But it is, because when we are in His will for our life, nothing will stop Him from fullfilling His purpose in the world through us.

The biggest challenge Christians face is, will they pick up their cross and follow Him? Only then will our purpose be revealed. It cannot be revealed to fence sitters or doubters because purpose demands decisions, action and follow through...daily.

Have a great day

I need a variety of influences to keep me sharp and growing in the Lord. I do believe we are created for fellowship - firstly with our Creator and then the people He has placed around us.

I live in a very beautiful place, and very often when I walk outside my heart is so filled with gratitude for what He has created for me to enjoy. It is such a natural thing to feel close to God when we do see the beauty around us.

I do need the corporate worship time - being accountable to a group of people and not just doing my own thing. It helps me to stay on the right track and it builds me up to hear where others are at with the Lord and what special things happened in their lives. I need the input of others in my life.... to lovingly and prayerfully point out my blindspots and weaknesses. I specially need their affirmation when I least deserve it.

I love reading books - it builds me up, challenges me greatly in my own personal walk with the Lord.

All these things helps me to stay balanced and challenged. Of course it doesn't and shouldn't replace my own time of fellowship with the Lord - the time that I read His word (when we buy a new car or an appliance, we get our instruction book and I believe the Bible is His instruction book for us to live our lives by), and my time talking to Him and listening to His voice. I love praying for others and see God comes through in their lives - I even pray for GlobalBuzz! Smile

All these things help me to see His purpose for my life.

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