15-07-2008, 08:11 PM
Andrew, thank you for your sms and Grant, sorry I missed your call. I have started to read your first book. I could not even pick a book up over the weekend. This post will be short as I need to get some sleep. :chorus:
Well the difficult part is over once more and I feel like I am coming out of my shell once more.
Jen, what you said about the phone is so true. I am some one who communicates and loves to communicate but the initial after effects of chemo make me not want to talk to anyone, not to have visitors or email any one and that is so weird because it is totally 'not me'. I just wanted to be left alone, to get through those few days and to try always to stay focussed on getting better. even my best mate could not break through my not wanting to talk.....but the best was your suggestion of a hot bath.....it really cheered me up yesterday even though it was the last thing I felt like doing. A shower always seems easier... :cloud9:
Anyway, I feel like I am surfacing once more and today I put in a full day at work.
My medication was changed this time for the nausea but whilst it helped a little, I doubt anything will take away that feeling in your gut and the awful smells and tastes in your mouth.
Anyway, tomorrow is another day and I am on my way to Harrison Flats :jester:
Have a great evening!
Andrew, thank you for your sms and Grant, sorry I missed your call. I have started to read your first book. I could not even pick a book up over the weekend. This post will be short as I need to get some sleep. :chorus:
Well the difficult part is over once more and I feel like I am coming out of my shell once more.
Jen, what you said about the phone is so true. I am some one who communicates and loves to communicate but the initial after effects of chemo make me not want to talk to anyone, not to have visitors or email any one and that is so weird because it is totally 'not me'. I just wanted to be left alone, to get through those few days and to try always to stay focussed on getting better. even my best mate could not break through my not wanting to talk.....but the best was your suggestion of a hot bath.....it really cheered me up yesterday even though it was the last thing I felt like doing. A shower always seems easier... :cloud9:
Anyway, I feel like I am surfacing once more and today I put in a full day at work.
My medication was changed this time for the nausea but whilst it helped a little, I doubt anything will take away that feeling in your gut and the awful smells and tastes in your mouth.
Anyway, tomorrow is another day and I am on my way to Harrison Flats :jester:
Have a great evening!