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The Fifth Trivial Pursuit and Fact or Fiction catch up thread
At the Olympic Games, what country's name is officially abbriviated as SWZ?
dudette Wrote:Swaziland


Fact or Fiction ?

Nu-Mex Sweets, Texas 1015 Supersweets, and Sweet Imperials are all names of peonies.
Aw sweet! Fact Smile
fiction from me
fact Wink
WooHoo !!! I get to do a :cheer: :haha:

They are names of varities of onions. Sweet onions must contain 6% sugar (other onions contain 3-5%) and have lower levels of sulfur, the compound that causes one to tear, than regular onions. They also have a higher water content than other onions and have thinner, paler skin.

What restaurant chain was known as Danny's Donuts when it opened for business in 1953?
Jangar Wrote:WooHoo !!! I get to do a :cheer: :haha:

They are names of varities of onions. Sweet onions must contain 6% sugar (other onions contain 3-5%) and have lower levels of sulfur, the compound that causes one to tear, than regular onions. They also have a higher water content than other onions and have thinner, paler skin.

What restaurant chain was known as Danny's Donuts when it opened for business in 1953?

penelope Wrote:Denny's


It was founded in Lakewood, California, by Harold Butler. The change from Danny to Denny was made in 1959 to avoid confusion with a chain of Coffee Dan shops popular in California at the time.

The Elvis Presley PEZ dispenser is the best-selling PEZ dispenser to date.

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