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The reason for weight gain
could be our Western diet of white bread

White bread

I also firmly believe that there is too much salt in our bread - I actually went through all the brands at our local Sainsbury's and none of them had less than 1g of sodium per 100g! I can taste it's too salty!
Bearing in mind we're not supposed to have more than 2g per day, it does make one wonder, doesn't it?
This could be the answer
I have dfinately moved away from white bread and eat the whole grains. I like the soda bread from Sainsbury's, but it expensive at 92 p for a small loaf...lucky we do not eat much !
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In today's Sunday Times... regarding bread:

More fat in three slices of bread than in one chocolate bar...

Just a brief summary:
Research by the above mentioned newspaper shows:

Marks and Sparks Organic Wholemeal Bloomer and Warburton's seeded batch as having the highest fat levels: 3 slices of each contained 12 g and 12.3g respectively. A standard Mars bar (62.5g) contains 10.9 of fat.

Most of the fat comes from added vegetable fat and oil to keep the bread moist.(Not from the seeds and wheatgerm as one may have thought!)

Sliced white bread, usually regarded as the less healthy option, contained less fat.

Makes me want to buy my own bread "baking" machine... have fresh bread every day!! Without all the fat! Sad
i had a thread about bread a while ago
it was making me feel horrid
i havent had bread now (sandwiches eg) for a few weeks and feel so much better
i have the odd bit - like pizza at the weekend LOL
but i thought perhaps it was the wheat making me feel bloated and horrid

i certainly feel better in the afternoon if i dont have a sandwich for lunch
well white bread has always been pegged as unhealthy...

I eat wholegrains myself, brown bread..

But ofcourse the white bread is not the only factor in weight gain in our western society, other factors also come into play:

Less excercise, more fast food, more soft drinks, less water....etc etc...
*Doer of healing rituals and keeper of brooms.*

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Quote:Originally posted by Ameniatha
But ofcourse the white bread is not the only factor in weight gain in our western society, other factors also come into play:

Less excercise, more fast food, more soft drinks, less water....etc etc...


i am finding as i am getting older, i have more weight - it must be accruing and also the skin is not as good Sad lol

i do sort of watch what i eat but i do like my cake and biscuits
i do need to exercise more i suppose
I'm a fat *** 'cos I eat too much, and I don't exercise enough. doesn't mean I don't try, but.... Wink
Quote:Originally posted by Mgv
I'm a fat *** 'cos I eat too much, and I don't exercise enough. doesn't mean I don't try, but.... Wink

u are not alone ! Smile
altho i am sure u are not !!!!
I have found some really super bread. It is pricey at 99p a loaf, but is well worth it . It also stays fresh for a good few days.

Hovis Granary Loaf
Hovis Country grain

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