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Weight Watchers Question
Can somebody tell me why, when you go to Weight Watchers, they give you all these points that you can eat???

I started on Monday night and I have so many points to eat that Im finding I cant eat them all. But my question is this? If I was eating less than this before, why wasn't I losing weight then? Why do I have to eat more to lose weight?

Make sense?

The points are based on your current weight and are meant to be the amount you should eat to lose weight, but without going hungry. The idea is that if you use up all your points by having one Indian takeaway, then that is it for the day. If you do it properly, you can eat piles, as most fruit and veg have little or no points. I have personally known 3 people who have lost piles of weight doing this. I do think it's an excellent diet, as the weight comes off slowly, and will stay off as long as you maintain a healthy eating plan after the weight loss.

Let me know how you get on with it - and GOOD LUCK!!!!!
Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
--Mahatma Gandhi
Hi Pam,

Ive done this diet before and it worked well! but I cant remember having to eat this much food before! :o

I dont understand why you have to eat more to lose weight? Doesn't make sense hey?
Quote:Originally posted by Strawbs
Hi Pam,

Ive done this diet before and it worked well! but I cant remember having to eat this much food before! :o

I dont understand why you have to eat more to lose weight? Doesn't make sense hey?

No, it does not make much sense.

But I suppose that while there might be a lot of food, it is the RIGHT food, i.e fruit, veg.

Besides, must be one of the few diets where wyou will not be hungry - which is a good thing!!
Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
--Mahatma Gandhi
Strawbsie when you are on a restricted calorie diet your body goes into "famine" mode to conserve energy. Most of us have had it drummed into us that you need to eat less to lose weight. Over time many people actually appear to be eating very little, and then binge on the wrong things when threy feel starved. Your metabolism is slowed down and everything you eat put into fat reserves. So this paradox at WW exists to get your body moving again. When your body gets enough nutrition it can again start to function properly and excrete what it does not need. Your body then stops being so protective about its fat cells and allows them to shrink. If you really feel as if you have been given too many points ( you may be on a threshold that your instructor felt it better to start you off on the upper limit for your weight) then bank the 4 points you are allowed to and see if that suits you better.
Quote:Originally posted by Jemlet
Strawbsie when you are on a restricted calorie diet your body goes into "famine" mode to conserve energy. Most of us have had it drummed into us that you need to eat less to lose weight. Over time many people actually appear to be eating very little, and then binge on the wrong things when threy feel starved. Your metabolism is slowed down and everything you eat put into fat reserves. So this paradox at WW exists to get your body moving again. When your body gets enough nutrition it can again start to function properly and excrete what it does not need. Your body then stops being so protective about its fat cells and allows them to shrink. If you really feel as if you have been given too many points ( you may be on a threshold that your instructor felt it better to start you off on the upper limit for your weight) then bank the 4 points you are allowed to and see if that suits you better.

Thanks my Jem!
I found that I was eating junk just to make up my points but I wont do that anymore!

I reckon I will save my points, then I have a drink on the weekend haha

Im off swimming tonight... :eek: and I found that my baggies are a tight fit but come hell or high water, Im not swimming without them! I just hope I dont show myself up and not be able to swim one length!

Well I will have to swim slowly as doing exercise gives you bonus points and I have more than enough right now! :o
keep us posted how things are going strawbs. had a look at myself in the mirror the other day and need to do something aswell. and from what i have heard WW is really the best.
Quote:Originally posted by sterretjie
keep us posted how things are going strawbs. had a look at myself in the mirror the other day and need to do something aswell. and from what i have heard WW is really the best.

I will do skat.. I got a loooooooonnnnnnngggggg way to go tho :bigcry:

Stood on the scale at the first meeting and it screamed "one at a time please" :haha:

p.s. Ive taken all the mirrors down in my house :p
gosh, i know how that scale feels. mine is saying the same to me LOL.

you know what, i think i might just go on the web and see where the closest WW is from here.

isn't it difficult to cook the right amount of food? do you have to weigh and stuff like that?
Most weight watchers instructors will suggest that you only convert excercise into bonus food points if you are really hungry (obviously depending on how much excercise you are doing ). You will see quicker results if you don't undo the good of burning calories by excercise by replacing them imidiately with food Smile

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