09-09-2005, 01:07 AM
I just saw that I hadn't added my contribution to this thread...
Perhaps it's because there are so many songs bring goosebumps that I chose not to reply, but at the moment I am "Comfortably Numb" :haha:
S.O.S. by ABBA because I only had to spend two weeks in hospital with concussion whilst the poor kid next to me had to spend 6 months in traction and he played that song over and over...
Relax - by Frankie Goes to Hollywood because of the reaction it caused all over the world...
Peter Gabriel's "Games Without Frontiers" because of the 6E2's and 7E2's English teacher was a Peter Gabriel fan and used to frequent the music shop where I used to work weekends...
All of Michael Learns to Rock's love songs as they make me wish I could sing them to you know who
And for fun I get goosebumps from "I don't Like Cricket" by Official South African Cricket as well as any Pip Freedman ditty
I think that may be enough for this post... :p (But there are plenty more
Perhaps it's because there are so many songs bring goosebumps that I chose not to reply, but at the moment I am "Comfortably Numb" :haha:
S.O.S. by ABBA because I only had to spend two weeks in hospital with concussion whilst the poor kid next to me had to spend 6 months in traction and he played that song over and over...
Relax - by Frankie Goes to Hollywood because of the reaction it caused all over the world...
Peter Gabriel's "Games Without Frontiers" because of the 6E2's and 7E2's English teacher was a Peter Gabriel fan and used to frequent the music shop where I used to work weekends...
All of Michael Learns to Rock's love songs as they make me wish I could sing them to you know who

And for fun I get goosebumps from "I don't Like Cricket" by Official South African Cricket as well as any Pip Freedman ditty

I think that may be enough for this post... :p (But there are plenty more