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What would motivate you to attend a cookery school/ lessons?
Out of interest for the others as well, some further answers:

j. Do you cook on gas or electricity mainly?
Mostly gas but can cook on electricity, wood, charcoal

k. Do you own a professional set of knives (no matter how humble your kitchen is)?

l. Would 'knife skills' interest you as a demo/ hands-on?
I'd love to be able to chop fast like you do without chopping my nails/fingers off

m. Would 4 hours per course be sufficient time to learn?
absolutely.. I'm a fast learner :p

n. Does the 'celebrity' factor influence you when choosing ingredients to cook?
Ready Steady Cook???? :duh:

o. Do you find cookbooks/ recipes easy to follow?
Depends if they have normal ingrediants :rofl:

p. Have you ever spent any time in a professional kitchen/ eaten at the restaurant's 'Chefs Table'?
Yes, eaten at a Chef's Table but not spent time in the kitchen... well not a professional one at that rate!
Some further answers:

q. Do you have a particular strength in the kitchen?
Can whip up interesting meals with all sorts of ingredients... make a mean chicken surprise LOL

r. What scares you most about cooking?
Nothing really..

s. What excites you most about cooking?
It's very adventurous and there is always a different result

t. Do you rely on tried and trusted recipes or do you experiment with abandon?
Experiment with abandon

u. In general do you find it easy to cook ITO 'Eat to live' or 'Live to eat'?
bit of both really.. depends if Im doing "fat farm" then its definitey "eat to live!" :rofl:
v. How much of your budget do you devote to cooking?
Never counted

w. Do you prefer convenience or 'prepare from scratch' cooking?
Prepare from scratch... natural ingredients

x. What kind of shops do you source your food from eg: Specialist/ super stores/ farmer's markets/ online/ etc?
Everything except online... mostly markets tho!
Thanks Natalie and Strawbs (though you missed out on a few questions Wink ).

Enjoyed the answers and the odd bit of humour thrown in Big Grin

Keep the ideas flowing - I know from a personal point of view I can get carried away in the kitchen patois when describing or offering advice. 'Dumbing down' is not the term I'd like to use, perhaps 'more accessible' is something I need to make my suggestions etc a little easier.

I'll be moving this thread over to the Food Matters forum in due course.

Mcamp... still waiting for your comments... perhaps FB too Wink LOL

Very interesting so far
Cheffie Wrote:Thanks Natalie and Strawbs (though you missed out on a few questions Wink ).

Enjoyed the answers and the odd bit of humour thrown in

Dammit!!! :beg: :mom2:

Which kweschins??? :read:

:chef: :theclub: :berry:
Strawbs Wrote:Which kweschins??? :read:

See my posts above numbered 7, 16 and 18 Wink

A further couple of questions:

9. Singles cooking – for students/ mothers of students/ divorcees etc?
10. When sourcing equipment/ kitchen gadgets, do you use any particular stores/ shops/ online/ speciality stores?

Keep the answers coming. Thanks again for all the responses so far
a. What would be your primary motivation?

New ideas for cooking

b. What kind of food would you like/ love to learn how to cook?

Not fussed really, cuisine from around the world, maybe Tai and Chinese specifically

c. What is the amount you're willing to pay for lessons?

It would all depend

d. Have you ever attended cookery lessons/ school?


e. Would you prefer 'hands on' or 'demonstration' type of lessons?

Hands on

f. Can your other half cook?


g. Would you be interested in doing 'couple's cooking'?


h. Would you be interested in learning just a few dishes and mastering them or a wider selection?

No, would like to do a wide variety

i. Do you panic at the thought of hosting dinner parties?

No, not at all
Out of interest for the others as well, some further questions:

j. Do you cook on gas or electricity mainly?

We only have gas

k. Do you own a professional set of knives (no matter how humble your kitchen is)?


l. Would 'knife skills' interest you as a demo/ hands-on?

Yes, but hands on

m. Would 4 hours per course be sufficient time to learn?

I would think so

n. Does the 'celebrity' factor influence you when choosing ingredients to cook?

Not in the slightest

o. Do you find cookbooks/ recipes easy to follow?

Yes, but I never follow them to the letter, always add a bit of my own touch, if not the first time, then definitely the next.

p. Have you ever spent any time in a professional kitchen/ eaten at the restaurant's 'Chefs Table'?

q. Do you have a particular strength in the kitchen?


r. What scares you most about cooking?


s. What excites you most about cooking?

Coming up with something new

t. Do you rely on tried and trusted recipes or do you experiment with abandon?

Always experiment, and never write down the recipe

u. In general do you find it easy to cook ITO 'Eat to live' or 'Live to eat'?

When you have a family, you cook eat to live, but I always try to make it interesting

v. How much of your budget do you devote to cooking?

No idea

w. Do you prefer convenience or 'prepare from scratch' cooking?

From scratch

x. What kind of shops do you source your food from eg: Specialist/ super stores/ farmer's markets/ online/ etc?

All of the above
Some further questions:

6. Would you be interested in making soups and their derivatives?


7. Would DVD or audio-visual media back up of the courses offered be of interest to you?

No, I would never watch them

8. How does accessibility of ingredients affect your cooking? eg: Truffles are gorgeous but might be out of the price range for most domestic cooks.

It is very important
Thanks Mcamp :thumbs:

Surprised you wouldn't go for the 'couples cooking' Wink

Would 'singles cooking' :woof: be of more interest?
Big Grin

Really interesting answers so far. Keep them coming

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